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Nitric Oxide: The Base of Health Longevity with Elizabeth Shirley, RPH CCN

We are most pleased this week to host Elizabeth ‘Beth’ Shirley RPH CCN. Pharmacist Beth developed expertise as a pharmacist and certified clinical nutritionist during her 40+ year career. Her specialties include stress-induced hormonal imbalance, intestinal dysfunction, autoimmune and chronic inflammatory issues, detoxification, nutrigenomics and super-normal oxidative stress. Join via Whereby Pharmacist S. is …

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Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome

This is the first comprehensive course ever offered by two of the world’s experts on Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome. Drs. Heyman and Shoemaker have created an intensive, 6-week online educational experience designed for the health professional seeking proficiency and certification in treating biotoxin Illness, including comprehensive management of the CIRS patient. REGISTER NOW OCTOBER 2 – …

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The Future of Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS)

Investing in Inflammation: Thriving R&D in Immune-Mediated Neurological Disease Sector

Written By: Andrew Heyman, MD, MHSA It is difficult, if not dangerous, to predict the future. But trends and good data can point the way toward possibilities and probabilities. There is momentum building in our understanding of Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS), and the science has grown exponentially in the past 18 months thanks to …

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