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Intriguing Connection Between Diet, Eye Health, and Lifespan Uncovered

Circadian Rhythm Disruption Promotes Tumour Growth

Researchers from the Buck Institute have demonstrated for the first time a link between diet, circadian rhythms, eye health, and lifespan in Drosophila. Publishing in the June 7, 2022 issue of Nature Communications, they additionally and unexpectedly found that processes in the fly eye are actually driving the aging process. Previous studies have shown in …

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Links Between Circadian Rhythms, Metabolism And Addiction

Dopamine Fasting: The Latest Craze In Silicon Valley

A new University of California, Irvine-led study establishes important conceptual connections between the fields of circadian rhythms, metabolism, and addiction. Going beyond current studies on substance use disorders, which focus on the impact of addictive drugs on the brain, this new research highlights an existing connection between specific neurons and peripheral organs. The study, titled …

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