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Put The Kettle On! How Black Tea (& Other Favorites) May Help Your Health Later In Life

Put The Kettle On! How Black Tea (& Other Favorites) May Help Your Health Later In Life

A daily cup of tea could help you to enjoy better health late in life — however, if you’re not a tea drinker, there are other things you can add to your diet. The key is flavonoids, which are naturally occurring substances found in many common foods and beverages such as black and green tea, …

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Yellow & Green Can Often Be Seen

Yellow & Green Can Often Be Seen

Lemons and limes are frequently used to make a variety of citrus goodies varying from drinks to sweets, they also share similar nutrition profiles and benefits to health but they do have differences. Both fruits are full of citric acid, while they have similar citric acid content lemons on average contain a little more: lemon …

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Promoting Healthy Glowing Skin

Promoting Healthy Glowing Skin

Designer cosmetics, injections, creams, stimulants can be found readily, but beautiful skin can also be achieved using nature’s timeless design, along with making healthier lifestyle choices. Food as medicine is not a new concept, by healing the body from within we can also help to heal wrinkles, fine lines, acne, and other issues that plague …

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Modified Citrus Pectin Helps Reduce Body Burden Of Toxins

Higher Vitamin C Levels Associated With Lower Risk Of Mortality

A deadly poison that is versatile causing damage even at low doses, so lethal only a small amount can kill, that is easily absorbed in stomach and intestines to spread out and damage skin, liver, kidneys, lungs, and more as one of the most deadly toxins in history is beginning to show up in so …

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Citrus Fruits And Berries Associated With Reducing Erectile Dysfunction

Citrus Fruits And Berries Associated With Reducing Erectile Dysfunction

Many men immediately turn to pharmaceuticals to help reduce erectile dysfunction, but there are alternatives that may assist before making that leap. Flavonoid rich foods are associated with the reduction of erectile dysfunction, with anthocyanins and flavanones found to offer up the greatest benefits in helping to prevent the condition. A collaborative study conducted by …

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Compound in Oranges May Reduce Stroke Risk

Raising Vitamin C RDA May Reduce Aging-Related Diseases

Flavanone, an antioxidant compound found abundantly in citrus fruits, may reduce stroke risk among women. Previously, a number of studies have suggested that Vitamin C exerts a protective effect in warding off stroke. Aedín Cassidy, from the University of East Anglia (United Kingdom), and colleagues completed an analysis of data compiled in the Nurses’ Health …

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