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A Skin Expert Warns That Most People’s Showering Techniques Need Improvement

Bathing Before Bed May Improve Sleep Quality

In this article, dermatologist Dr. Alia Ahmed reveals how most people’s showering habits aren’t scrubbing up to par, from using too much product to missing body parts, this skin expert says most people have developed the wrong kind of showering techniques and she recommends some skin-friendly habits. Her concern and advice follow the results from …

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Bless This Mess?

Bless This Mess?

It appears as if people are dismissing the age-old saying that cleanliness is next to godliness, as a recent random double opt-in survey conducted by OnePoll involving 2,000 general population homeowner/renter Americans who do their own cleaning on behalf of Lysol, indicates that the average person only considers their home to be completely clean for …

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Ways to Be Active That Don’t Feel Like Exercise

Late-life exercise shows rejuvenating effects on cellular level

Let’s face it, sometimes exercise is hard. And as we age, it can feel counterintuitive to want to exercise. However, sometimes getting tired by being active is the best way to combat feeling tired!  Exercise is not for everyone, so finding ways to be active and not feel like exercise is important. There are plenty …

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Being Clean And Hygienic Need Not Impair Childhood Immunity

Immune System Remains Aggressive After Fast Food Diets In Long Term

The theory that modern society is too clean, leading to defective immune systems in children, should be swept under the rug, according to a new study by researchers at UCL and the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. In medicine, the ‘hygiene hypothesis’ states that early childhood exposure to particular microorganisms protects against allergic …

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Long-lasting Disinfectant Promises to Help Fight Pandemics

Long-lasting Disinfectant Promises to Help Fight Pandemics

UCF researchers have developed a nanoparticle-based disinfectant that can continuously kill viruses on a surface for up to seven days — a discovery that could be a powerful weapon against COVID-19 and other emerging pathogenic viruses. The findings, by a multidisciplinary team of the university’s virus and engineering experts and the leader of an Orlando …

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Improving Indoor Air Quality To Help Protect Health

Improving Indoor Air Quality To Help Protect Health

Billions of people around the globe are spending prolonged periods of time indoors due to restrictions trying to get a handle on this outbreak. While this may reduce the chance of becoming infected, it does bring to attention the quality of air inside of our homes.  Some are beginning to worry that the quality of …

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2019 Dirty Dozen & Clean Fifteen

2019 Dirty Dozen & Clean Fifteen

The Environmental Working Group has released The 2019 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce report and their Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen reports. 70% of conventionally grown American produce was found to come with pesticide residue according to analysis. The USDA testing found 225 different pesticide and pesticide breakdown products on popular produce consumed every …

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Trees Cleanse City Air

Trees Cleanse City Air

Urban trees are effective at removing fine particulate air pollution. Fine particulate air pollution (particulate matter less than 2.5 microns, or PM2.5) has serious health effects, including premature mortality, pulmonary inflammation, accelerated atherosclerosis, and altered cardiac functions. David Nowak, from the US Forest Service (New York, USA), and colleagues have estimated how much fine particulate …

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