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How Old Are You(r Organs)? – Examining Human Organ Systems As Markers Of Aging

How Old Are You(r Organs)? – Examining Human Organ Systems As Markers Of Aging

While aging is commonly considered a whole-person phenomenon, a growing body of research reveals that different biological systems and human organs age at varying rates. Emerging evidence highlights the natural aging process – and the variation in its rates – as reflective of a complex interplay of age, chronic disease, lifestyle factors, and genetic risks, …

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Circadian Clocks Play A Key Role In Fat Cell Growth

Secretin Hormone Induces Satiation By Activating Brown Fat

Disruption of the circadian clocks that keep the body and its cells entrained to the 24-hour day-night cycle plays a critical role in weight gain, according to a pair of studies by Weill Cornell Medicine investigators. One study, published June 27, in Cell Reports revealed that stress caused by chronically administering glucocorticoid stress hormones and …

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'Springing Forward' Affects Early Birds Less Than Night Owls

'Springing Forward' Affects Early Birds Less Than Night Owls

Genetic predisposition plays a role in individuals’ reactions to an abrupt change in sleep schedules; findings could have implications for other situations. Every spring, the Daylight Saving Time shift robs people of an hour of sleep — and a new study shows that DNA plays a role in how much the “spring forward” time change …

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First Actionable Clock That Predicts Immunological Health And Chronic Diseases Of Aging

First Actionable Clock That Predicts Immunological Health And Chronic Diseases Of Aging

Researchers from the Buck Institute and Stanford University have created an inflammatory clock of aging (iAge) which measures inflammatory load and predicts multi-morbidity, frailty, immune health, cardiovascular aging and is also associated with exceptional longevity in centenarians. Utilizing deep learning, a form of AI, in studies of the blood immunome of 1001 people, researchers also …

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Heart health of shift workers linked to body clock

Heart health of shift workers linked to body clock

Working hours that deviate from an individual’s natural body clock are associated with greater cardiovascular risk, according to research presented at ESC Preventive Cardiology 2021, an online scientific congress of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC).(1) “Our study found that for each hour the work schedule was out of sync with an employee’s body clock, …

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GrimAge Outperforms Other Epigenetic Clocks


Along with the advancements of technology comes a variety of epigenetic clocks, weighted combinations of the methylation status of various CpG sites on the genome in various different tissues. These epigenetic marks of DNA methylation change constantly in response to circumstances and cell activities but some of these changes are characteristic of the aged tissue …

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Scientist Create Lifespan Clock

Scientist Create Lifespan Clock

Scientists claim to have created a lifespan clock which provides an accurate maximum age estimate for vertebrates which is a key variable in the study of living and extinct animals; the study published in the journal Scientific Reports describes how they identified specific areas of DNA that have been linked to lifespan which were checked …

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Fat Cells Genes Punch The Clock

Fat Cells Genes Punch The Clock

Human fats cells have been found to have their own internal clocks and circadian rhythms which impact key metabolic functions and core aspects of cellular biochemistry by scientists from the University of Surrey who suggest their findings may provide new insights that may have clinical implications, as published in Scientific Reports. Aspects of metabolism vary …

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Modern Living Disrupts Body’s Internal Clock

Modern Living Disrupts Body’s Internal Clock

A week of exposure solely to natural light synchronizes the body’s circadian rhythm to the solar day. With the advent of electric lighting – as well as other conveniences of modern living – the human body receives fewer natural cues that otherwise signal the circadian rhythm, the body’s “internal clock,” to wakefulness and sleep.  Kenneth …

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