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Rise Of The Dairy Substitutes

Milk Alternatives Without Iodine are Inferior to the Real Thing

It would appear as if non-dairy milk consumption is on the rise; in fact, within America alone the sales of non-dairy milk has increased by 61% from 2012 as more people order soy milk at coffee shops, fill their cereal bowls with cashew milk, and use coconut milk in their desserts.  Further inspiring the use …

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This Doctor Says Olive & Coconut Oil Are Bad For You. Here’s Why:

This Doctor Says Olive & Coconut Oil Are Bad For You. Here’s Why:

Article courtesy of: Dr. Joel Kahn, MD, who is a Clinical Professor of Medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine, one of the world’s top cardiologists, best selling author, lecturer, and a leading expert in plant-based nutrition and holistic care. Rates of obesity are on the rise in the United States and estimates are …

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Foods To Help You Detox

Foods To Help You Detox

Now that the holiday season is over you may be feeling like all those bad dietary choices are taking their toll on you, and it may be time to get your body and mind back on track. Luckily there is no shortage of detoxifying foods that may help you get back to feeling better.  Broccoli …

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A Little Relief For Your Adrenals

Fatigue And The Adrenals

Adrenal fatigue is a group of varied symptoms associated with chronic stress, left unaddressed it can significantly impact a person’s life. Best known for secreting hormones that helps the body cope with stress the adrenal glands can become over-worked. Adrenaline promotes the body to act under stressful situations, however problems occur when the body is …

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Coconut Oil May Be Better Than Drugs In Treating Obesity & Diabetes

Coconut Oil May Be Better Than Drugs In Treating Obesity & Diabetes

Researchers from Brazil refuted conventional thinking of saturated fats causing obesity, and express concern over dietary efforts at reducing calories that are impractical, difficult to maintain, and they consider to be often unhealthy, as published in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry. The team conducted a study to determine if virgin coconut oil could replace drugs …

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Coconut Oil Substitutes

Coconuts and Alzheimer’s

Coconut oil is all the rage, and for many good reasons, but some people can not use coconut oil as they experience contact dermatitis. What to do if it’s not available, you can’t use it, or what if you just want to try something different. Never to fear there are other choices which are just …

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