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Self-Care Strategies for College Students Battling Mental Health Challenges

Doctors Are Not Taught Enough About Nutrition In Medical School

College life can be exciting and transformative, filled with new experiences, academic growth, and personal development. However, it’s no secret that the college journey also comes with its fair share of challenges, especially when it comes to mental health. The pressures of academic performance, social interactions, and transitioning to a new environment can take a …

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Loneliness associated with unhealthful diets and physical inactivity among US college students

Loneliness May Be a Bigger Threat than Obesity

Transitioning to a new environment, as many college freshmen do, can increase feelings of loneliness, and feelings of loneliness in college students have dramatically increased in the last decade, according to the National College Health Assessment. Additionally, a 2021 survey reported that 44% of U.S. college students described their weight as more than normal, i.e. …

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Life Expectancy For American Men Keeps Decreasing

Life Expectancy For American Men Keeps Decreasing

It would appear as if the life expectancy for American men has peaked and it is now in a modest but steady decline since 2014, which may be driven by deaths of despair, and the rising income inequality in America influencing health comes. The average life expectancy of American men declined to 76.1 years, while …

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