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High-Fat Diets Affect Genes Linked To Health Conditions Other Than Obesity

High-Fat Diets Affect Genes Linked To Health Conditions Other Than Obesity

A recent study from the University of California-Riverside (UCR) published in Scientific Reports building off of previous work has demonstrated that high-fat diets affect genes linked to not only obesity, colon cancer, and irritable bowels, but high-fat diets also affect genes linked to the immune system, and brain function. “Word on the street is that …

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People Who Regularly Use Laxatives May Have An Increased Risk Of Dementia

Behind The Bathroom Door

According to a new release, people who regularly use laxatives, a common treatment for constipation, may have more than a 50% increased risk of developing dementia than people who do not use laxatives, according to a study published in the February 22, 2023, online issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of …

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Almonds May Boost Gut Health

Almonds May Boost Gut Health

Recent King’s College London research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reveals that eating a handful of almonds every day helps to significantly increase the production of butyrate, which is a short-chain fatty acid that promotes beneficial gut health.  The gut microbiome, or flora,  is made up of thousands of microorganisms that reside …

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Cancer In Those Under 50 Increasing Globally

Cancer In Those Under 50 Increasing Globally

Alarmingly, Cancers in Adults Under 50 on the Rise Globally Over recent decades, more and more adults under the age of 50 are developing cancer. A study conducted by researchers from Brigham and Women’s Hospital, a founding member of Mass General Brigham, reveals that the incidence of early onset cancers (those diagnosed before age 50), …

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Scientists Engineer Probiotic To Prevent Infection Of Large Intestine

Probiotics May Help Digestive Issues, Boost Heart Health & The Immune System

Scientists from the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore (NUS Medicine) have created a probiotic to restore bile salt metabolism, found in the gastrointestinal tract, to counter the onset and effects of Clostridium Difficile Infection (CDI). Their research has been published in Nature Communications.  CDI is the infection of the large …

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A rhythmic small intestinal microbiome prevents obesity and type 2 diabetes

Lager Beer, Whether It Contains Alcohol Or Not, Could Help Men's Gut Microbes

An estimated 500 to 1,000 bacterial species reside in each person’s gut, perhaps numbering 100,000 trillion microorganisms. In a new paper, published July 5, 2022, in Cell Reports, researchers at the University of California San Diego School of Medicine used mouse models to explore how diet and feeding patterns affect these intestinal microbes — and …

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Eating Prunes May Help Protect Against Bone Loss In Older Women

X-Linked Hypophosphatemia

It’s already well known that prunes are good for your gut, but new Penn State research suggests they may be good for bone health, too. In a research review, the researchers found that prunes can help prevent or delay bone loss in postmenopausal women, possibly due to their ability to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, …

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Breaking Down Cancer’s Defenses

Breaking Down Cancer’s Defenses

Bacteria generally have a bad reputation, as people first think of certain strains that can cause serious illnesses like pneumonia or meningitis. However, there are many helpful bacteria, known as probiotics, that assist the body in different ways. University of Cincinnati researchers have now engineered a probiotic designed to target and break down cancer cell …

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New Health Benefits Of Red Seaweeds Unveiled

New Health Benefits Of Red Seaweeds Unveiled

Red seaweeds have been prevalent in the diets of Asian communities for thousands of years. In a new study, published in Marine Drugs, researchers have shown how these algae confer health benefits. “In the past, people have wondered why the number of colon cancer patients in Japan is the lowest in the world,” said Yong-Su …

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How Mucus In The Colon Prevents Inflammation And Injury

How Mucus In The Colon Prevents Inflammation And Injury

An animal study showed how mucus production throughout the colon helps to keep gut bacteria isolated from intestinal tissue as well as helps to prevent inflammation; a better understanding of healthy mucus production may lead to strategies for treating IBD and other gut disorders. The gut microbiome consists of trillions of bacteria and other microorganisms …

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