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New study links ultra-processed foods and colorectal cancer in men

New study links ultra-processed foods and colorectal cancer in men

For many Americans, the convenience of pre-cooked and instant meals may make it easy to overlook the less-than-ideal nutritional information, but a team led by researchers at Tufts University and Harvard University hope that will change after recently discovering a link between the high consumption of ultra-processed foods and an increased risk of colorectal cancer. In …

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Ultra-Processed Foods Linked to Heart Disease, Bowl Cancer And Death

Data Driven Definition Of Unhealthy Pervasive Hyper Palatable Foods

Two large studies published by The BMJ find links between high consumption of ultra-processed foods and increased risks of cardiovascular disease, bowel (colorectal) cancer and death. The findings add further evidence in support of policies that limit ultra-processed foods and instead promote eating unprocessed or minimally-processed foods to improve public health worldwide. The findings also …

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Study: Taller Adults May Be At Increased Risk For Colorectal Cancer

More young adults are getting colorectal cancer — So why won’t insurance pay for screenings?

A new meta-analysis, or data examination of several independent studies, by Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers, adds to evidence that taller adults may be more likely than shorter ones to develop colorectal cancer or colon polyps that can later become malignant. While the association between taller height and colorectal cancer has been previously investigated, the Johns …

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'Drug factory' implants eliminate ovarian, colorectal cancer in mice

New Technology That May Destroy Cancerous Tumors

Rice University bioengineers have shown they can eradicate advanced-stage ovarian and colorectal cancer in mice in as little as six days with a treatment that could be ready for human clinical trials later this year. The researchers used implantable “drug factories” the size of a pinhead to deliver continuous, high doses of interleukin-2, a natural …

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Low-Meat And Meat-Free Diets Associated With Lower Overall Cancer Risk

Red & White Meats Are Equally Detrimental For Cholesterol

Eating meat five times or less per week is associated with lower overall cancer risk, according to a study published in the open-access journal BMC Medicine. Cody Watling and colleagues from the University of Oxford, UK investigated the relationship between diet and cancer risk by analyzing data collected from 472,377 British adults who were recruited …

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New Health Benefits Of Red Seaweeds Unveiled

New Health Benefits Of Red Seaweeds Unveiled

Red seaweeds have been prevalent in the diets of Asian communities for thousands of years. In a new study, published in Marine Drugs, researchers have shown how these algae confer health benefits. “In the past, people have wondered why the number of colon cancer patients in Japan is the lowest in the world,” said Yong-Su …

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Colorectal cancer screening to begin at age 45, lowered from 50

More young adults are getting colorectal cancer — So why won’t insurance pay for screenings?

Prompted by a recent alarming rise in cases of colorectal cancer in people younger than 50, an independent expert panel has recommended that individuals of average risk for the disease begin screening exams at 45 years of age instead of the traditional 50. The guideline changes by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF), published …

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Why Is Colorectal Cancer Rising Rapidly Among Young Adults?

Why Is Colorectal Cancer Rising Rapidly Among Young Adults?

According to the National Cancer Institute, since the 1990s the rate of colorectal cancer (which includes cancers of the colon and rectum) has more than doubled among adults younger than 50. Not only that, but more younger people are dying from the disease. This rapid increase is especially puzzling because the rate of colorectal cancer …

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Cancer Cells Are Fueled By Sugary Drinks

Cancer Cells Are Fueled By Sugary Drinks

One of the most direct causes of weight gain is consuming drinks and processed foods high in sugar content, and there is a clear link between obesity and increased risk of cancer. When combined with a sedentary lifestyle and high alcohol intake these junk food diets contribute to obesity, which even furthers the risk for …

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High Dose Vitamin D Beneficial For Colon Cancer

Increased Natural Vitamin D Levels Linked To Longevity

High dose vitamin D supplements have been found to help extend progression free survival in colorectal cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, a follow up large scale clinical trial is being planned based in the smaller study’s positive final data. Phase II SUNSHINE trial results compared effects of low dose and high dose vitamin D supplements and …

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