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Probiotics Slash Cold Risk

Probiotics Slash Cold Risk

Daily supplementation with Bifidobacterium, a probiotic, may help to reduce the risk of the common cold, among active adults. Probiotics, microorganisms that help maintain the natural balance of organisms (microflora) in the intestines, have become of greater interest as certain studies suggest their utility in a number of gastrointestinal conditions. Allan W. Cripps, from Griffith …

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Vitamin C May Help Reduce Incidence of Common Cold

Vitamin C May Help Reduce Incidence of Common Cold

Vitamin C seems to be particularly beneficial for people under heavy physical stress, with data suggesting it  can halve the incidence of the common cold. With over 200 viruses that can its symptoms, the common cold is a primary source of absenteeism from work and school, and a major cause of doctor’s visits.  Whereas Vitamin …

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Echinacea May Help to Prevent Common Cold

Echinacea May Help to Prevent Common Cold

Largest study to-date of extract of Echinacea purpurea suggests its efficacy to ward off the common cold. In that previous studies of Echinacea purpurea have yielded inconsistent findings as to the herb’s potential role for prevention of the common cold, Ronald Eccles, from Cardiff University (United Kingdom), and colleagues enrolled 755 healthy men and women …

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Zinc Shrinks the Common Cold


Oral zinc formulations reduced the duration of cold symptoms in adults by 2.63 days. A number of studies have evaluated zinc for the treatment of the common cold, yielding conflicting results.  Michelle Science, from The Hospital for Sick Children (Canada), and colleagues completed a systematic review and meta-analysis of 17 randomized, controlled trials that involved …

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Garlic Reduces Severity of Colds & Flu

Garlic Reduces Severity of Colds & Flu

Consuming aged garlic extract helps to reduce the number of symptoms of colds and influenza, and reduces the number of workdays missed due to illness as well. Among the most widespread illnesses in the world, the common cold is estimated to be responsible for $20 billion per year in lost worker productivity.  Susan S. Percival …

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Kiwifruit Kicks the Common Cold

Kiwifruit Kicks the Common Cold

New Zealand team reports that consumption of gold kiwifruit helps to reduce the severity of the symptoms of the common cold. Among the most widespread illnesses in the world, the common cold is estimated to be responsible for $20 billion per year in lost worker productivity. Denise C. Hunter, from The New Zealand Institute for …

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Supplemental Zinc May Shorten the Common Cold

“Good Bugs” Battle Colds

Zinc lozenges may shorten the duration of common cold episodes by up to 40%. Depending on the total dosage of zinc and the composition of lozenges, zinc lozenges may shorten the duration of common cold episodes by up to 40%.  Harri Hemila, from University of Helsinki (Finland), completed a meta-analysis of placebo-controlled trials that have …

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Probiotics May Help Ward Off Common Cold


Daily supplementation of probiotics may significantly reduce the incidence of acquiring the common cold, and slash the duration and extent of symptoms. The common cold is a viral infection primarily caused by rhinoviruses.  Previous studies have shown that probiotics, alone or in combination with prebiotics, have reduced the incidence of upper respiratory tract infections. Swedish …

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Juice Beverage May Slash Common Cold


German researchers find a juice containing of green tea, grape seed and grape skin extract and shiitake mushroom may reduce the incidence of common cold. Previous research has determined that polyphenols are compounds with potent antioxidant activity, including the ability to eradicate free radicals, and have thus suggested to offer potential protection against a variety …

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