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Young Athletes With History Of Concussions May Have More Changes To Their Brains

Young Athletes With History Of Concussions May Have More Changes To Their Brains

A new study suggests athletes with a history of concussion may show more brain injury from a later concussion, particularly in middle regions of the brain that are more susceptible to damage, when compared to athletes with no history of concussion. The research is published in the August 25, 2021, online issue of Neurology®, the …

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Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Helping Our Veteran’s Invisible Wounds Of War

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Helping Our Veteran’s Invisible Wounds Of War

Often when brave soldiers come home from serving they have encountered lasting concussion, brain trauma, and mental anguish. More than often our Veterans of war are exposed to explosions and situations in these war torn settings the average person couldn’t begin to imagine. Soldiers who make it home may be missing limbs or all intact, …

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Namath Says His Brain Is Healthy Again After Oxygen Treatment

Namath Says His Brain Is Healthy Again After Oxygen Treatment

Joe Namath has spoke out about the beneficial effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy treatments. The former quarterback has sustained at least five concussions during his NFL career to add to the many other occasions he took hard hits to the head. Repeat battering left the former Super Bowl winning player with memory loss and other …

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Concussion Correlates with Abnormal Brain Structural Patterns

Concussion Correlates with Abnormal Brain Structural Patterns

People who experience mild concussions show increased cortical gray matter anisotropic diffusion 4 months post injury. Concussion – even mild, potentially has a persisting effect even after the resolution of clinical symptoms.  Andrew R. Mayer, from the at the Lovelace Biomedical and Environmental Research Institute (New Mexico, USA), and colleagues enrolled 50 subjects within 3 …

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Novel Blood Biomarker Predicts Long-Term Cognitive Impairment

Novel Blood Biomarker Predicts Long-Term Cognitive Impairment

Elevated levels of a protein predict which concussion victims went on to have white matter tract structural damage and persistent cognitive dysfunction. More than 1.5 million children and adults suffer concussions each year in the United States, and hundreds of thousands of military personal endure these mild traumatic brain injuries worldwide. There is a critical …

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Female & Younger Athletes Take Longer to Recover from Concussions


Female athletes perform worse than males on visual memory tests, and report more symptoms postconcussion. Between 2001 and 2005, US federal statistics reveal more than 150,000 sport-related concussions occurred among youth ages 14 to 19 years. However, the actual number is likely much higher, as current statistics reflects only concussions that involved visits to the …

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