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Pee After Play: The Case For Urination After Sex

Are There Alternatives To Viagra?

Being informed has become easier than ever thanks to advances in modern technology. However, being informed doesn’t always mean the information has been correct. This may be the case when it comes to sex as made apparent by the continued increasing rate of STDs.  Let’s get a few things settled right out of the gate, …

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Is Oral Sex To Blame For The Record High Mouth Cancer Rates?

Is Oral Sex To Blame For The Record High Mouth Cancer Rates?

According to the British based non-profit Oral Health Foundation’s awareness campaign oral cancer rates “have more than doubled in a generation,” and American rates are comparable.  In the UK over the past 20 years mouth cancer diagnoses have increased 135%, during 2018 alone seven people died every day from the disease out of 8,337 patients …

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STDs Continue To Increase In America To A Record High

STDs Continue To Increase In America To A Record High

In 2018 there were more than 2.4 million reported cases of syphilis, chlamydia, and gonorrhea in America, and that is just the reported cases, many more cases go undiagnosed.  According to a report from the US CDC cases of the three common sexually transmitted diseases reached a new record level in 2018 within America; cases …

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STDs: An Alarming Lack Of Knowledge

STDs: An Alarming Lack Of Knowledge

One third of Americans think that they can contract an STD from sitting on a public toilet, according to a new study commissioned by LetsGetChecked for Sexual Health Awareness Month that has pointed out the alarming lack of knowledge when it comes to STDs. Sexually transmitted diseases are not a popular topic, but perhaps if …

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