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Holiday Drama: De-Escalating Family Conflict

Holiday Drama: De-Escalating Family Conflict

That time of year is upon us once again, many people dread it due to those family gatherings that seem to be a bounty of drama. While some of this may be heavily influenced by alcohol, sometimes people just don’t get along, what’s worse is that family knows just how to push those buttons. Family, …

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Research Suggests That Positive Experiences In Close Relationships Are Associated With Better Physical Health


Social relationships influence physical health, but questions remain about the nature of this connection. New research in Social Psychological and Personality Science suggests that the way you feel about your close relationships may be affecting the way your body functions. Previous smaller-scale studies have examined the connection between relationship conflict or satisfaction with stress levels …

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Positive Experiences in Close Relationships Are Associated With Better Physical Health

Social Media Can Help Boost Weight Loss Success

Social relationships influence physical health, but questions remain about the nature of this connection. New research in Social Psychological and Personality Science suggests that the way you feel about your close relationships may be affecting the way your body functions. Previous smaller-scale studies have examined the connection between relationship conflict or satisfaction with stress levels …

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Good sleep may promote positive experiences, less conflict

Dragging Your Feet? Lack Of Sleep Affects Your Walk

Researchers in the Department of Biobehavioral Health (BBH) at Penn State found that sleep quality and quantity at night is affected by that day’s stressors, and sleep hours and quality affect daily stressors the next day. The relationship can create a cycle that can positively — or negatively — affect individuals and families, especially families …

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Holiday Drama: How To De-Escalate Family Fights In Three Minutes

Schizophrenia Study Suggests Advanced Genetic Scorecard Cannot Predict a Patient’s Fate

That time of year is upon us once again, many people dread it due to those family gatherings that seem to be a bounty of drama. While some of this may be heavily influenced by alcohol, sometimes people just don’t get along, what’s worse is that family knows just how to push those buttons. Family, …

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Avoiding Family Conflict This Holiday Season

Avoiding Family Conflict This Holiday Season

Some people enjoy spending time with their families during the holidays, but for many of us these events are anything but a joyful comforting holiday event. Instead it is a dreaded warzone which can even carry over from an unfinished argument from another year, or stem from disguised favoritism, and differing opinions from anything, let’s …

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Preventing Motion Sickness Naturally

Preventing Motion Sickness Naturally

Driving, flying, boating, and amusement park rides can elicit a sense of fear or trepidation with unpleasant visions of looming dizziness, nausea, and vomiting for those of us who suffer from motion sickness.   It is estimated that motion sickness affects around 15-25% of the population. When physical sense of movement and visual perception are …

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