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Music May Have Health Benefits

Music May Have Health Benefits

Music often speaks when words fail, its universal language soothes your mind, lifts spirits, brings back memories, and provides comfort, and encouragement. Research shows music has benefits ranging from stress relief to improved moods, connecting us to others, and helping to keep our minds sharp. The results from the University of Michigan Nation Poll on …

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Meditation Training May Support Well-Being

Meditation Training May Support Well-Being

A randomized, controlled trial published in PLOS ONE by an international team of researchers that was co-led by UCL (London’s Global University), following a meditation program can improve people’s awareness, connections to others, insight, and well-being. While the training did not confer significant benefits on two commonly used measures of psychological well-being and quality of …

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The Connection Between Addiction and Aging

Four Deadly Diseases Caused By Excessive Drug Consumption

In our journey through life, two inexorable forces weave their threads into the fabric of our existence: addiction and aging. These seemingly disparate aspects of human experience share a profound connection that can shape and define our well-being in ways often unnoticed. As we navigate the intricate connection between addiction and aging, we unravel a …

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Gut-Brain Connection May Be Responsible For Unhealthy Food Cravings

Gut-Brain Connection May Be Responsible For Unhealthy Food Cravings

According to a Columbia’s Zuckerman Institute study recently published in Nature, those cravings for fatty foods may be driven by a connection between the gut and the brain, not your taste buds and roaming eyes. Maybe it’s not that sweet tooth wanting ice cream after all??  “We live in unprecedented times, in which the overconsumption …

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Social Media and Mental Health: What's the Connection?

Genetics Firm Gives Law Enforcement Run Of Profiles Without User Permission

As social media use increases, there’s a growing concern about its effects on mental health. Social media users spend at least two hours a day worldwide on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. For some, social media is a positive experience. It connects them with friends and families where they share exciting moments and …

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Spirituality Linked With Better Health Outcomes, Patient Care

Green Thumb

According to a study led by researchers at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Spirituality should be incorporated into care for both serious illness and overall health. “This study represents the most rigorous and comprehensive systematic analysis of the modern day literature regarding health and spirituality to date,” said …

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This Is How Often You Should Be Having Sex For Optimal Health

“Happy Wife, Happy Life” = Longer Life

Article courtesy of: Dr. Joel Kahn, MD, one of the world’s top cardiologists, and expert in plant-based nutrition & holistic care, via MindBodyGreen. Eat your vegetables and fruits, get seven to nine hours of sleep, don’t smoke, walk 30 minutes a day, stand more, stress less, be more mindful. It can be quite an undertaking …

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