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7 Easy and Delicious Lunch Hacks – Say Goodbye to Boring Meals

7 Easy and Delicious Lunch Hacks - Say Goodbye to Boring Meals

Are you bored of having the same boring lunch options every day? Do you find yourself hurrying to make breakfast in the morning, only to wind up with something bland or unhealthy? If so, you are not alone. Many people struggle to find the time and inspiration to make a tasty and nutritious meal at …

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Endocrine Disruptors and Where to Find Them

Endocrine Disruptors and Where to Find Them

There are approximately 85,000 man-made chemicals in the world, many of which the general population comes into contact with on a daily basis. However, only about 1% of these compounds have been evaluated for safety despite having a high potential of being noxious to human health. Mounting evidence points to the harmful nature of a …

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Nylon Cooking Bags, Plastic-Lined Cups Can Release Nanoparticles Into Liquids

Nylon Cooking Bags, Plastic-Lined Cups Can Release Nanoparticles Into Liquids

Nylon cooking bags and plastic-lined cardboard cups are conveniences many people rely on, but a new study in ACS’ Environmental Science & Technology suggests that they are an underappreciated source of nanoparticles. They report that the plastic in these products release trillions of nanometer-sized particles into each liter of water that they come in contact …

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Worrying Insights Into The Chemicals In Plastics

Worrying Insights Into The Chemicals In Plastics

More potentially hazardous chemicals are lurking in plastics than has been assumed. This also affects recycling processes and materials. A team of researchers led by Stefanie Hellweg, ETH Professor of Ecological Systems Design, has for a first time compiled a comprehensive database of plastic monomers, additives and processing aids for use in the production and …

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Hold The Side Order Of Microplastics Please

Hold The Side Order Of Microplastics Please

Plastics are all around you in clothing, food packaging, and even inside of you. A study from the University of Newcastle published in the World Wide Fund For Nature looked at the data surrounding ingestion of microplastics; findings suggest that people are at risk of ingesting 5g of microplastic per week which is equal to …

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Fast Food & PFAS: More Reason To Eat Home Cooked

Fast Food & PFAS: More Reason To Eat Home Cooked

A forever toxic chemical called PFAS is used in fast food packaging, the long lasting chemical seeps into food and builds up within our bodies. This adds to the many reasons such as the calories and additives making fast foods unhealthy and to be avoided. Per and polyfluoroalkyl substances are a class of chemicals commonly …

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