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An Epidemiologist Weighs In On What Makes A “Wave” Of Disease

COVID-19: New Test Targets Unique Region Of Spike Protein

Adding to the confusion regarding this outbreak is a lack of cohesive leadership nationwide, plus the flip flopping decisions and announcements regarding certain measures really are not helping the public. Now we have increased talk about a second wave causing even more panic. Vice President Mike Pence who is heading up the “COVID-19 task force” …

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Peddling Disinformation on COVID-19

Peddling Disinformation on COVID-19

It appears as if fact checkers are becoming even more occupied as well as scientists and experts who are scrambling to correct incorrect statements which are naturally being amplified by partisan media, propagandists and some officials globally. From the moment COVID-19 hit some of the global administrations have appeared to be determined to portray an …

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CDC Expert Says Coronavirus Is Not Controllable & Will Spread

CDC Expert Says Coronavirus Is Not Controllable & Will Spread

CDC intelligence officer, researcher, and vaccine deployment expert admits to the coronavirus pandemic being beyond control and that it will spread globally.  Although some of the media is trying to downplay the coronavirus pandemic, and some even suggest that it is not real, footage is being leaked, and some establishment scientists are even warning that …

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