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Healthful Approaches During Seasonal Times Of Indulgement

Healthful Approaches During Seasonal Times Of Indulgement

For some of us with more intricate schedules, the holiday season is in full swing (Halloween through New Year’s Day). With all the hustle and bustle it can be easy to lose track of health plans and fall into a pattern of convenience, even though we know it is not always the most healthy choice. …

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High Intake Of Several Food Additives Linked To Increased Risk Of Cardiovascular Disease

Risk For Diabetes & Obesity Linked To Common Food Ingredient

High intake of several emulsifiers (part of the E numbers group of food additives) has been linked to an increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease (CVD) in a recent study published by the BMJ. Study findings have important public health implications given their omnipresent use in ultra-processed foods.  Industrially processed foods use several types of …

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Drive-thrus: Convenience Or Lazy?

Buyer Beware: 60% Of Foods Purchased By Americans Contain Technical Food Additives -- A 10% Increase Since 2001

Apparently, Americans have become so busy that they don’t have time to cook, and many won’t even get out of their cars to do their own shopping, according to a random double opt-in survey of 2,000 general population Americans conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Dutch Bros which revealed that drive-thrus are used for many …

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Ultra-Processed Foods Are Ultra-Bad For The Heart

Ultra Processed Food Linked To Lower Heart Health

Alarmingly, over half of the food Americans currently consume are “ultra-processed” — and these poor nutritional choices are making them sick. What’s more, is that one may not even realize that what you are eating has been ultra-processed such as “protein bars breakfast cereals, and most industrially produced breads.” According to a recent prospective observational …

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Close To Half Of American Adults Projected To Be Obese By 2030

Close To Half Of American Adults Projected To Be Obese By 2030

Despite research and warnings from experts in America the obesity rates continue to increase as they have been for decades; now researchers are predicting that by the year 2030 close to half of all adults will be obese if this trend continues on this path.  This projection published in the New England Journal of Medicine …

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People Are Giving Up On Exercising At A Young Age

People Are Giving Up On Exercising At A Young Age

6 in 10 Americans said that 2019 will be the year they get in shape at the beginning of the year, according to a survey, but 2 in 5 of those respondents now say that they feel too old to get back into the gym and have thrown in the white towel.  This survey of …

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Excess Sugar Is Killing Us

Excess Sugar Is Killing Us

Added sugars are hard to avoid, it seems sugar has been added to everything these days, but diets high in sugar and processed foods have been linked to obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and possibly even cancer.    In American meals are no longer what they once were, not that long along meals were nutritious and …

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Quest For Care: The Digital Health Arms Race

Quest For Care: The Digital Health Arms Race

Some may think there is no such thing as a digital health arms race, but yes, there really is. Not only are physicians having to do more electronically but corporations are also throwing their hands into the mix trying to gain your dollar, you just may not realize it, yet. Take for instance Amazon, which …

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A.I May One Day Diagnose Disease Without An Office Visit

A.I May One Day Diagnose Disease Without An Office Visit

Rather than trying to look up symptoms online when not feeling well and getting an incorrect diagnosis artificial intelligence may soon be able to provide accurate diagnosis without needing to go into visit a doctor for an appointment. Researchers in the UK are working on this capability with a system called Babylon, the  A.I powered …

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2019 Functional Food Trends

2019 Functional Food Trends

Old health rules are being overturned, new ideas are emerging, old ingredients are becoming once more reborn, and retail channels are shifting as consumers beliefs over what healthy means change it opens the doors for a wealth of various opportunities. Dietitians and health professionals are no longer being seeing as the know all and experts …

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