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Scientists cooked pancakes, Brussels sprouts, and stir fry to detect an oxidant indoors for the first time

Scientists cooked pancakes, Brussels sprouts, and stir fry to detect an oxidant indoors for the first time

Your frying pan may be harming your health, especially when cooking meals that involve frying or sauteing, according to a new study from The University of British Columbia (UBC) published in the journal Environmental Science; finding that frying or sauteing releases brown carbon aerosols that could be impacting indoor air quality as well as your …

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Burning candles and fumes from cooking is harmful for people with mild asthma

Can Diet Help With Asthma?

A new study from Aarhus University shows that young individuals with even mild asthma should remember to turn ventilation all the way up when cooking or burning candles. The fumes can cause irritation and inflammation in the body. A cosy set table, a nice steak in the pan, and romantic candlelight may sound like the …

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You May Be Exercising At Home Without Realizing It

Long-lasting Disinfectant Promises to Help Fight Pandemics

Those of us who are not athletes, don’t have the drive, or are lacking in time can find it difficult to fit in exercise. Even if you are in any of these categories that doesn’t mean that working on your health via fitness is out of the question, in fact, you may be exercising and …

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The Average Person Wastes $3,000 In Groceries Annually

Functional Foods Attracting The Health Conscious

According to a recent random double opt-in survey of 2,000 general population American adults commissioned by HelloFresh and conducted by OnePoll, the average person wastes nearly $3,000 on unused groceries every year. Your earnings are being drained by a number of things and groceries are one of those things on that list. Shopping wisely is …

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Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle on a Tight Budget

It’s Never Too Late To Make Healthful Lifestyle Changes

Many people think that living a healthy lifestyle is expensive. And if you believe that good health comes in the form of prepackaged salads, pricey supplements, and gym memberships, you might be right. But leading a natural, well-balanced lifestyle based on exercise, whole foods, and minimalism is surprisingly affordable. In fact, there are countless ways …

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Chef’s Kiss: Research Shows Healthy Home Cooking Equals A Healthy Mind

New research from Edith Cowan University (ECU) has found being confident in the kitchen is not only good for your taste buds: it’s also good for your mental health. The study follows ECU’s successful partnership with The Good Foundation and Jamie’s Ministry of Food initiative, with a mobile food kitchen providing cooking classes in the …

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Your Brain Makes You Human

Scientists Created Human-Monkey Hybrids

As many sit in recovery from the days of excess at the dinner table over the weekend here’s something else to take into consideration the next time you think about what to be thankful for, and this applies to all humanity: the evolutionary journey that provide you that big beautiful brain and your longevity.  All …

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Cooking Oil Inflammation

Canola Oil Linked To Worsening Memory, Dementia, And Weight Gain

Some cooking oils are healthy and some are very unhealthy actually causing harm to the body. Just because it may be labeled as vegetable oil does not mean that it is good for you, most of such is simply heavily refined soybean oil or heavily refined cottonseed, safflower, corn, grapeseed, or other oils; almost all …

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Eating Pan-Fried Red Meat Ups Prostate Cancer Risk

Eating Pan-Fried Red Meat Ups Prostate Cancer Risk

Eating red meat that has been cooked at high temperatures has been shown to significantly increase the risk of developing prostate cancer. A study of nearly 2,000 men has revealed that regularly eating red meat that has been cooked at a high temperature may significantly increase the risk of developing prostate cancer. Mariana Stern, associate …

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