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CDC Says Vaccine Link To Heart Inflammation Is Stronger Than Previously Thought

CDC Says Vaccine Link To Heart Inflammation Is Stronger Than Previously Thought

The heart of the problem of getting vaccinated…. Story at a glance: Males under 30 may face heart problems after getting vaccinated. Myocarditis and pericarditis share the same symptoms. For some, treatment for myocarditis can be solved with over-the-counter medication or resolve itself. Last Thursday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that …

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This Viral Treatment Costs Almost Nothing

Investigational COVID-19 Therapeutics To Be Evaluated In Large Clinical Trials

We have a for-profit medical system. The positive aspect of our system is that because it is so profitable, it encourages the development of new, patentable, high-tech, often life-saving treatments. The negative side is that it has little to no interest in treatments that are natural because by definition, natural treatments are not patentable. And …

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Will COVID Revolutionize Telehealth?

Will COVID Revolutionize Telehealth?

The coronavirus pandemic has irrevocably changed the world in several ways, from demonstrating the importance of widespread mental health to improving convenient services like at-home delivery and remote working tools. Even as the healthcare industry continues managing COVID-19 cases, many healthcare professionals are looking to the future, anticipating the ramifications the global crisis will have …

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COVID/Flu Protection For the Winter

Don’t Die From The Flu

This article was written by Mila McManus, M.D. and it can be found on her blog at The Woodlands Institue.  Dr. McManus is the A4M member of the month, as a functional medicine specialist, she practices preventive and personalized patient care and believes in a proactive approach to healthcare. COVID and the flu will travel …

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