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Spices That May Help Digestion

Rosemary Helping To Protect The Brain From Damage

Processed foods in the typical Western diet combined with vices and less than ideal lifestyle choices including soda/pop, smoking, lack of sleep, alcohol, etc, can reduce the efficiency of the digestive system. Healthier lifestyle choices including consuming a well balanced diet full of whole foods and many greens can help to improve digestion, this can …

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8 Spices That May Help you Lose Weight

8 Spices That May Help you Lose Weight

Losing weight is hard enough as it is without adding eating bland food to the process, and why should you? Why not dive into you pantry for a few spices that may help you to lose weight and enjoy that chicken breast or noshing on that raw celery a bit more. Spices such as simple …

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Bitter Cumin A Rich Source of Antioxidants


India team finds that seeds from the herb bitter cumin possess a high level of antioxidants, suggesting a functional health role in diseases linked to oxidative stress In that oxidative stress has been identified as a contributing factor in a number of diseases, including atherosclerosis, neural degenerative disease, inflammation, cancer, and aging itself, scientists have …

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