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Indicators of PFAS found in some — but not all — period products

Indicators of PFAS found in some -- but not all -- period products

Period products come in a variety of styles — liners, pads, tampons, cups and underwear — to help people feel comfortable during a menstrual bleed. But their labels don’t usually list the ingredients, so consumers don’t know what’s in their product of choice. Now, researchers have analyzed over 100 period products for fluorinated compounds, an …

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Nylon Cooking Bags, Plastic-Lined Cups Can Release Nanoparticles Into Liquids

Nylon Cooking Bags, Plastic-Lined Cups Can Release Nanoparticles Into Liquids

Nylon cooking bags and plastic-lined cardboard cups are conveniences many people rely on, but a new study in ACS’ Environmental Science & Technology suggests that they are an underappreciated source of nanoparticles. They report that the plastic in these products release trillions of nanometer-sized particles into each liter of water that they come in contact …

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