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Bleak Cyborg Future from Brain-Computer Interfaces if We’re Not Careful

Peter 2.0 Is Live: The First Fully Functioning Human Cyborg

Researchers warn of the potential social, ethical, and legal consequences of technologies interacting heavily with human brains. Surpassing the biological limitations of the brain and using one’s mind to interact with and control external electronic devices may sound like the distant cyborg future, but it could come sooner than we think. Researchers from Imperial College …

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Robots Could One Day Work Alongside Human Caregivers

Smart Artificial Hand Merges User And Robotic Control

Caregivers should look forward to how bots can help support them while knowing they still play the most important role of all: and that’s providing the personal, human touch that can’t be replicated by technology. Imagine being admitted into a long-term healthcare center, only to find out that it was being partly run by robots? …

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Peter 2.0 Is Live: The First Fully Functioning Human Cyborg

Peter 2.0 Is Live: The First Fully Functioning Human Cyborg

Humans may be one step closer to the singularity: “ Peter 2.0 is now online.” This message was sent from a terminally ill scientist and innovator who says that he has completed his transition into the world’s first fully functional human cyborg. Dr. Peter Scott-Morgan is one of the leading roboticists in the world who …

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