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Vigorous Exercise May Preserve Cognition

Brain Fitness: Super Mind Power

Those with hypertension (high blood pressure) are at a higher risk of cognitive impairment, including dementia. However, a study recently published in Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association from Wake Forest University School of Medicine suggests that participating in vigorous physical activity more than once a week can help to lower that …

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Resveratrol May Preserve Neuromuscular Synapses And Muscle Fibers

A study recently published in The Journals of Gerontology, Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, led by scientists from the Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute has discovered that resveratrol and metformin may have many of the neuroprotective benefits of a low-calorie diet and exercise.  “We all slow down as we get older. Gait, balance issues, …

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Cardiac Amyloidosis: Alzheimer’s Disease Of The Heart

Why You Must Know if Your Heart Calcium Score is Zero

Cardiac amyloidosis is often referred to as the Alzheimer’s Disease of the heart, and it can be inherited or acquired. Systemic amyloidosis is an incurable disease in which abnormal amounts of proteins build up within tissues and organs. Progress in the treatment of cardiac amyloidosis has greatly improved prognosis, but the median survival remains low …

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Can Exercise Turn Back The Clock In Aging Muscles?

Stop The Clock: Rules For Immortality

Exercise is called a drug-free polypill that can benefit nearly everyone by many physicians because it can help prevent and treat many chronic diseases at a low cost that are associated with aging. More to it, exercise-induced changes reprogram the epigenetic expression of fibers to a more youthful state. So, to answer the question “Can …

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Severity of Calls to U.S. Poison Centers Increases Sharply

Severity of Calls to U.S. Poison Centers Increases Sharply

America’s poison centers are fielding increasingly severe cases that are dramatically more likely to lead to severe harm or death in both adults and children, a new study from the University of Virginia School of Medicine reveals. The number of calls about intentional exposures that resulted in death among adults increased a whopping 233.9% between …

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The Vicious Twins: Hypertension and Obesity In America

The Vicious Twins: Hypertension and Obesity In America

America is facing a rapid increase in obesity and morbid obesity, in fact, it’s an epidemic. Both obesity and hypertension (high blood pressure) are serious health issues that can lead to serious complications if left untreated. Obesity and hypertension have been linked in many studies, and studies have also shown that weight gain is associated …

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Prescribing Behavioral Changes: Lifestyle Medicine

Prescribing Behavioral Changes: Lifestyle Medicine

Rather than treating the symptoms of the disease, some doctors treat for health to target the root causes of the disease. When doctors treat for health rather than disease, it is sometimes called lifestyle medicine, and this is a specialty within the field of modern medicine. Lifestyle medicine uses therapeutic lifestyle interventions as a primary …

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More young adults are getting colorectal cancer — So why won’t insurance pay for screenings?

More young adults are getting colorectal cancer — So why won’t insurance pay for screenings?

More than 53,000 Americans are projected to die from colorectal cancer this year. Although colorectal cancer is the second-most common cause of cancer deaths in the United States, it can be cured if caught early. Detecting a tumor as soon as possible can help you get treatment as soon as possible, giving you the best …

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Are Fish Oil Supplements A Good Idea? It Is Complicated

Are Fish Oil Supplements A Good Idea? It Is Complicated

Article courtesy of Dr. Joel Kahn, MD, who is a Clinical Professor of Medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine, one of the world’s top cardiologists, a best-selling author, lecturer, and a leading expert in plant-based nutrition and holistic care. At the Kahn Center, it is routine to measure an Omega Index and a …

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Should Physical Activity Goals Be In Minutes Or Steps?

Should Movement Goals Be In Minutes Or Steps?

Current physical activity guidelines do not recommend a specific step count for health, now a new study from Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH) suggests that both step count and time-based exercise targets are equivalently associated with lower risks of early death and cardiovascular disease. Monitoring your step count and/or movement duration has become increasingly easier …

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