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Improving Deep Sleep May Help To Prevent Dementia

Improving Deep Sleep May Help To Prevent Dementia

According to a study published in JAMA Neurology led by Associate Professor Matthew Pase, from the Monash School of Psychological Sciences and the Turner Institute for Brain and Mental Health in Melbourne, Australia, as little as a 1% reduction in deep sleep annually for those aged 60+ translates to a 27% increase in the risk …

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Algorithm Can Accurately Predict Mortality Or Heart Attack

AI May Be Able to Predict Premature Death

The LogitBoost algorithm was trained using scans and outcomes of 950 previous patients, which was then programmed to use 85 variables to calculate risks; after deep learning it was able to correctly identify those who were likely to die or have a heart attack within 90% accuracy. Patients who had complained of chest pains were …

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AI May Be Able to Predict Premature Death

AI May Be Able to Predict Premature Death

Researchers have been have discovered an unsettling artificial intelligence ability of being able to predict a person’s early death, as published in PLOS ONE. An AI system was recently trained to evaluate a decade of generational health data submitted by over a half million people in the UK, then the AI system was tasked to …

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Breathing Technique Can Calm You Down

Medical Yoga Therapy

A simple breathing technique used by first responders and Navy SEALs in stressful and life threatening situations called box breathing can help to de-stress and calm you down in just a few minutes. Box breathing is a form of present, deep, conscious breathing in which each exhaled breath is drawn out to last longer than …

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Trace Minerals From Ocean Found To Increase Blood Flow & Reduce Inflammation

Trace Minerals From Ocean Found To Increase Blood Flow & Reduce Inflammation

Seventy minerals and trace elements found deep within the ocean are suggested to help improve blood flow and hemoglobin level in the brain after exercise in a report published in Frontiers In Physiology. Consuming deep ocean water minerals is hypothesized by a multi-national team of researchers to replenish incomplete molecular complexities and increase physical capacity …

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Laughter May Be The Best Medicine

Crowdsourcing Algorithms To Predict Seizures

Emory University neuroscientists have discovered a focal pathway in the brain which when electrically stimulated causes immediate laughter, followed by a sense of calm and happiness even during awake brain surgery. Stimulation effects were observed in an epilepsy patient undergoing diagnostic monitoring for seizure diagnosis, effects were harnessed to help complete a separate awake brain …

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Brain Signals Translated Directly Into Speech

Brain Signals Translated Directly Into Speech

A system has been developed which utilizes artificial intelligence to turn brain signals to recognizable speech which may help to restore a voice to those with limited or no ability to speak, as published in Scientific Reports. Columbia neuroengineers have created a system that is capable of translating thought into recognizable speech via monitoring brain …

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