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4 Ways Advancements in Technology Are Improving Eye Health

4 Ways Advancements in Technology Are Improving Eye Health

Vision impairment and disability can be debilitating in a person’s daily life. From slight discomfort and inconvenience to chronic and severe pain, eye problems should be addressed as early as possible to prevent them from worsening. The CDC’s fast facts on common eye disorders point to approximately 12 million US adults having vision impairment, including …

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Scientists Achieve Promising Results Towards Restoring Vision In Blindness Caused By Cellular Degeneration In The Eye

Can All Immature Cells Develop Into Stem Cells?

A preclinical study using stem cells to produce progenitor photoreceptor cells — light-detecting cells found in the eye — and then transplanting these into experimental models of damaged retinas has resulted in significant vision recovery. This finding, by scientists at Duke-NUS Medical School, the Singapore Eye Research Institute and the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, marks …

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Retinal Scans: A Non-Invasive, Inexpensive Method To Track Human Aging

Retinal Scans: A Non-Invasive, Inexpensive Method To Track Human Aging

Buck Institute professor Pankaj Kapahi thinks the eye is a window to aging.  His lab, in collaboration with Google Research and Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital, has shown how imaging of the fundus, the blood vessel-rich tissue in the retina, can be used to track human aging, in a way that is noninvasive, less expensive …

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Improved Dietary Supplement For Age-Related Macular Degeneration

Reading Glasses: A High-Return Option for Those with Eye Issues

NIH Highlights At A Glance: Replacing a component of a dietary supplement for treating age-related macular degeneration improved its safety and efficacy over a 10-year period. The results demonstrate the merits of the supplement formulation, called AREDS2. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a degenerative disease of the eye that is the most common cause of …

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Failing Eyesight Could Be A Warning Sign For Something Else

Failing Eyesight Could Be A Warning Sign For Something Else

There are many causes of failing eyesight, common eye diseases, such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD) can result in blindness, a new study published in the journal BMJ Open Ophthalmology conducted by researchers at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York suggests that it may also be a warning sign of …

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First U.S. Patient Receives Autologous Stem Cell Therapy To Treat Dry AMD

Genes May Hold The Key To Brain Aging

According to a news release, a surgical team successfully implanted a patch of tissue made from patient cells with the goal of treating advanced “dry” age-related macular degeneration (AMD), also known as geographic atrophy, at the National Institutes of Health. Dry AMD is a leading cause of vision loss among older Americans and currently has …

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Loss Of ‘Youth’ Protein May Drive Aging In The Eye

Loss Of ‘Youth’ Protein May Drive Aging In The Eye

Loss of the protein pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF), which protects retinal support cells, may drive age-related changes in the retina, according to a new study in mice from the National Eye Institute (NEI). The retina is the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye, and aging-associated diseases of the retina, like age-related macular degeneration …

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Women can live better with an improved diet

Eat The Rainbow

Women tend to live longer than men but typically have higher rates of illness. Now, new research from the University of Georgia suggests these higher rates of illness can be improved by a better diet, one that is high in pigmented carotenoids such as yams, kale, spinach, watermelon, bell peppers, tomatoes, oranges and carrots. These …

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Cancer Drug Shows Potential As Treatment For Muscular Dystrophy

Fluorescence Light Up Potential Antisense Oligo Drugs For MD

Researchers at UBC’s School of Biomedical Engineering have discovered that an existing cancer drug could have potential as a treatment for muscular dystrophy. The researchers found that the drug — known as a colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor (CSF1R) inhibitor — helped slow the progress of Duchenne muscular dystrophy in mice by increasing the resiliency of …

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NIH Study Confirms Benefit Of Supplements For Slowing Age-Related Macular Degeneration

Antioxidant Making Old Blood Vessels Like New Again

According to the press release, the Age-Related Eye Disease Studies (AREDS and AREDS2) established that dietary supplements can slow the progression of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), the most common cause of blindness in older Americans. In a new report, scientists analyzed 10 years of AREDS2 data. They show that the AREDS2 formula, which substituted antioxidants …

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