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Alcohol Is A Big Risk Factor For Dementia

Alcohol Is A Big Risk Factor For Dementia

Alcohol use disorders are the most preventable and important preventable risk factor for the onset of all types of dementia. Alcohol use disorders are the most preventable and important preventable risk factor for the onset of all types of dementia, especially in the case of early onset dementia according to a nationwide observational study of …

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Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Linked to Dementia


Researchers find that a diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) significantly increases a person’s likelihood of being diagnosed with dementia later on in life. In a groundbreaking study, researchers from the Michael E DeBakey VA Medical Center in Texas have found a significant relationship between post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and dementia. Mark Kunik, M.D., M.P.H., …

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Link Between Education and Cognitive Skills Explored

Link Between Education and Cognitive Skills Explored

More education appears to improve the ability to cope with changes in the brain associated with dementia. Previous studies have suggested that people who stay in education longer have a lower risk of developing dementia, but the causal connection has remained elusive. Carol Brayne, from the University of Cambridge (United Kingdom), and colleagues examined the …

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Spouses of Dementia Sufferers 6-Times More Likely to Develop Dementia


Research suggests that people who care for a spouse with dementia have a significantly higher risk of developing the condition themselves. Married adults who care for a spouse who has dementia have a significantly greater risk of developing dementia themselves, say researchers. Dr Maria Norton of Utah State University and colleagues studied 2442 men and …

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