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Mixed-Use Communities Could Promote Exercise

To promote exercise, public health agencies and planners in suburban and rural communities must look beyond cities to incorporate mixed-use communities with streets that are friendlier to bikers and walkers which encourages more active lifestyles. However, research from Cornell University suggests that despite these strategies increasing physical activity, and urban bias limits their application in …

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Where You Live May Be Linked To How Much Arthritis Pain You Experience

Rheumatoid and Osteoarthritis: What's The Difference?

In America the prevalence of moderate or severe joint pain due to arthritis varies significantly across the nation, ranging from 6.9% of the population in Minnesota to 23.1% of the population in West Virginia according to a new study published in the journal PAIN led by University at Buffalo The State University of New York. …

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White people have the LOWEST life expectancy of any ethnic group in England and Wales, finds first official report of its kind

New Data Suggest COVID-19 May Not Be As Deadly As Thought

White people in England and Wales are most likely to die in their early 80s Nine other ethnic groups had higher life expectancy estimates, the ONS found Researchers pin the findings on higher, cancer, smoking and drinking rates  White people in England and Wales have the lowest life expectancy of any ethnic group, a major …

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Demographic Perspectives On The Rise Of Longevity

Are Officials In China Downplaying Infection Numbers?

PNAS recently published a report discussing the demographic perspectives on the rise of longevity that reviews some key strands of demographic research on past trends in human longevity and explores possible future trends in life expectancy at birth. Abstract: Demographic data on age-specific mortality are used to estimate life expectancy, and validated data on exceptional …

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Neighborhood-Based Obesity Risk in Aging Populations

Effects Of Obesity Mirrors That Of Aging

More than a third of adults in the United States have obesity, and people who live in socioeconomically disadvantaged neighborhoods with lower-income and less-educated populations have a higher risk of obesity. This includes older adult populations, which continue to grow and increase the demand for health care. In fact, Americans born between 1946 and 1962 …

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Projected Demographic Changes In America

G-20 Weighs Aging As A Global Risk

As we enter a new year which also brings us into a new decade projections have been released by demographer Dudley Poston of what changes may be happening in America over the next ten years, based on US Census Bureau Population Data and the Population Division of the United Nations Data.  Projections are that the …

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Living In Asset Poverty

Living In Asset Poverty

Many Americans are just barely making it pay cheque to pay cheque, they simply don’t earn enough money to build savings, and can’t afford to purchase healthier food choices as well as better education, healthcare and child care.  Oregon State University has found definite statistical truth to these sentiments and has concluded that over 63% …

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G-20 Weighs Aging As A Global Risk

G-20 Weighs Aging As A Global Risk

The world’s top policymakers are tackling economic issues such as labour shortages, financial services for the elderly, and ballooning healthcare costs to aging and decreasing birth rates for the first time. The meeting took place in Japan where the rapidly aging population is a major domestic problem, and the G-20 finance ministers and central bank …

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Spike in Heat-Related Deaths Projected

Spike in Heat-Related Deaths Projected

The number of heat-related deaths in the United Kingdom is projected to rise 257% by 2050, because of climate change. The number of deaths caused by hot weather in England and Wales is projected to surge by 257% by the 2050s, as a result of climate change and population growth.  Shakoor Hajat, from the London …

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Worldwide Cancer Cases to Soar by 70%

Worldwide Cancer Cases to Soar by 70%

WHO’s IARC warns that over the next 20 years, cancer cases worldwide will rise sharply — with lower income countries bearing much of the burden. In its “World Cancer Report 2014,” the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer reports that new cancer cases expected to grow from 14 million a year in …

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