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Untapped Potential Of Stem Cells Could Aid Repair Of Spinal Cord Damage

Untapped Potential Of Stem Cells Could Aid Repair Of Spinal Cord Damage

Scientists at the Francis Crick Institute have identified a group of latent stem cells that respond to injury in the central nervous system of mice. If a similar type of cell exists in humans, they could offer a new therapeutic approach to treating brain and spinal cord injuries. After disease or injury, stem cells help …

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Scientists Identify Potential New 'Soldier' For Cancer Immunotherapy

Could Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs Improve Cancer Immunotherapy?

On April 20, 2022, researchers at the Sloan Kettering Institute reported in the journal Nature that a recently discovered new immune cell “soldier” could be a good target for immunotherapy, raising hopes that it might help narrow the gap between people who respond and those who do not. The new cells, which the scientists have …

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