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Metabolic physiology: New approach against fatty liver

Some People Diagnosed With Dementia May Actually Have Liver Disease

Fatty liver disease (steatotic liver disease, SLD for short) is increasingly causing failure of the liver as a vital organ. A team led by researchers from the Institute of Metabolic Physiology at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (HHU) in collaboration with the German Diabetes Centre (DDZ) and other partners has now discovered that a saturated fatty …

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Sugar Substitute Linked To Increased Risk Of Cardiovascular Events

A study published in the European Heart Journal from the Cleveland Clinic has found that higher amounts of the sugar alcohol xylitol are associated with increased risks of cardiovascular events such as stroke and heart attack.  The use of sugar substitutes, including sugar alcohols and artificial sweeteners, has increased significantly in processed foods that are promoted as …

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The Vicious Twins: Hypertension and Obesity In America

The Vicious Twins: Hypertension and Obesity In America

America is facing a rapid increase in obesity and morbid obesity, in fact, it’s an epidemic. Both obesity and hypertension (high blood pressure) are serious health issues that can lead to serious complications if left untreated. Obesity and hypertension have been linked in many studies, and studies have also shown that weight gain is associated …

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Understanding the Impact of Diabetes on Your Eye Health

Understanding the Impact of Diabetes on Your Eye Health

Diabetes is a chronic condition that can adversely affect the heart, nerves, and other vital components of the body. The complications associated with diabetes can be life-changing. Even your eyes aren’t safe if you have developed that aforementioned disease. Many people generally know that diabetes is bad for the eyes, but they may not fully …

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Prescribing Behavioral Changes: Lifestyle Medicine

Prescribing Behavioral Changes: Lifestyle Medicine

Rather than treating the symptoms of the disease, some doctors treat for health to target the root causes of the disease. When doctors treat for health rather than disease, it is sometimes called lifestyle medicine, and this is a specialty within the field of modern medicine. Lifestyle medicine uses therapeutic lifestyle interventions as a primary …

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Weight Lifting For Cognitive Health

Weight Lifting For Cognitive Health

Moving your body is one of the most important things you can do for your brain. Studies have shown that those who exercise have less risk of developing brain disorders such as depression and Alzheimer’s disease. However, it is not just cardiorespiratory exercises like aerobics, running, or dance that help to promote brain health, weight …

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Grouping Foods Based on Level Of Processing

Highly Processed Foods Form Bulk Of U.S. Youths' Diets

Are you looking for a way to find out more about the levels of processing in the foods you are getting? Well, as it turns out, there might be an app in development for that. Researchers have been studying ultra-processed foods, and have created a visual tool to help people group foods based on their …

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Long-Term Ketogenic Diet Accumulates Aged Cells In Normal Tissues


Maintaining a continuous long-term ketogenic diet may induce the accumulation of aged cells (senescence) in normal tissues, and this has particular implications for heart and kidney function. However, taking a break from the highly restrictive diet could help with prevention attempts.  Previously the strict and hard-to-adherence to ketogenic diet has become a valuable tool for …

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Nutritious Foods Worth Adding To A Balanced Diet

Nutritious Foods Worth Adding To A Balanced Diet

A balanced diet starts with making healthy sensible food choices. You don’t need to be a master chef to create nutritious and delicious meals, it just means being more conscious about what you are planning on eating. Luckily most of us have mobile phones that make it easier to look up things when we are …

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Extra Virgin Olive Oil: Can It Reduce the Risk of Dementia?

Extra Virgin Olive Oil: Can It Reduce the Risk of Dementia?

Article courtesy of Dr. Joel Kahn, MD, who is a Clinical Professor of Medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine, one of the world’s top cardiologists, a best-selling author, lecturer, and a leading expert in plant-based nutrition and holistic care. Although heart disease takes many more lives than dementia, people search for advice on …

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