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Study finds an increase in women 65 and older dying of cervical cancer

Study finds an increase in women 65 and older dying of cervical cancer

A new study conducted by UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center researchers shows an alarming number of California women 65 and older are facing late-stage cervical cancer diagnoses and dying from the disease. This is despite guidelines that recommend most women stop screening for cervical cancer at this age. “Our findings highlight the need to better …

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Are Smartwatch Health Apps To Detect Atrial Fibrillation Smart Enough?

Health Technology Wearables, Longevity, and the Future of Medicine

Mobile health technology to detect atrial fibrillation generates a high rate of false positives and inconclusive results in some patients with certain cardiac conditions, investigators report in the Canadian Journal of Cardiology. Extended cardiac monitoring in patients and the use of implantable cardiovascular electronic devices can increase the detection of atrial fibrillation (AF), but the …

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