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Changes In Eye Health And Chronic Kidney Disease

Risk Factors Of Chronic Kidney Disease

3D eye scans may reveal vital clues about kidney health that could help to track the progression of the disease, and this advance could revolutionize the monitoring of kidney disease which often progresses without symptoms in the early stages, allowing patients to make lifestyle changes that could reduce the risk of health complications. Using highly …

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Can an artificial kidney finally free patients from dialysis?

Risk Factors Of Chronic Kidney Disease

Scientists at UC San Francisco are working on a new approach to treating kidney failure that could one day free people from needing dialysis or having to take harsh drugs to suppress their immune system after a transplant. They have shown for the first time that kidney cells, housed in an implantable device called a …

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Biotech Launching With Hopes To Transform Kidney Disease

Nut May Help To Protect Kidneys From Ischemic Injury

Within America, around 37 million people are living with kidney disease, which translates to about 1 in 7 adults. A startup hopes to change that, launching with a $51 million Series A round of investment and a 2 pronged approach to completely transform kidney disease. Walden Biosciences was founded to reverse the progression of kidney …

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Damaged Human Lungs Successfully Recovered

Damaged Human Lungs Successfully Recovered

For the first known time, a severely injured human lung that failed to recover using standard clinical EVLP was successfully recovered during a twenty-four hour period on the multidisciplinary team’s cross circulation platform, a report of the process was published in Nature Medicine.  A multidisciplinary team from Columbia Engineering and Vanderbilt University have successfully demonstrated …

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Risk Factors Of Chronic Kidney Disease

Risk Factors Of Chronic Kidney Disease

Chronic kidney disease is one of the leading causes of death in America, where it affects an estimated 30 million people and can lead to a number of serious health complications such as gout, anemia, heart problems, and serious electrolyte imbalances.  Chronic kidney disease is hallmarked by progressive damage and dysfunction of the kidneys which …

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Artificial Blood Vessels Hold Potential for Dialysis Patients


Scientists have successfully bioengineered artificial blood vessels that remain durable in an animal trial and show promise for patients with end-stage kidney disease.  “Off-the-shelf” blood vessels could one day reduce some complications of dialysis treatment.  A team of scientists led by Shannon L. Dahl have successfully bioengineered an artificial blood vessel by seeding human aorta …

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