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Women Have More Guts Than Men, Literally

Good' Donor Bacteria Can Last Long Term in Stool Transplant Patients

As it turns out women have more guts than men, literally. A study published in the journal PeerJ has revealed that women have longer small intestines than men do, by around 30 cm, and researchers from North Carolina State University believe that this could help women to deal with stress better.  Women may be on …

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Lack of females in drug dose trials leads to overmedicated women

Do Women Age Differently From Men?

Women are more likely than men to suffer adverse side effects of medications because drug dosages have historically been based on clinical trials conducted on men, suggests new research from the University of California, Berkeley, and the University of Chicago. Researchers analyzed data from several thousand medical journal articles and found clear evidence of a …

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Male Y Chromosome Causes Sex Differences In Body Size

The Shrinking Y Chromosome

Females and males differ in many ways and yet they share the same genome. The only exception is the male Y chromosome. Using beetles as a study system, new research from Uppsala University, now published in Nature Ecology & Evolution, shows that despite of the Y chromosome containing very few genes, it can dramatically change …

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Women’s History Month: The Role of Hormones in Brain Health Differences

Women’s History Month: The Role of Hormones in Brain Health Differences

Over the past few decades, the scientific community has shed some light on the vast differences between male and female patient health with an increasing focus on female cardiovascular disease pathology. The reason underlying varying reactions to the same diseases between men and women has been related to the brain, and in particular, sex hormones. …

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