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Anti-Aging Telomere Tech

Anti-Aging Telomere Tech

Image: Microscopy image showing (green) telomeres, the protective caps at the ends of (blue) chromosomes, which play a crucial role in cellular aging. Credit: Salk Institute Scientists at the Salk Institute have debuted a new method for determining both the length and sequence of telomeres on individual chromosomes. Their breakthrough anti-aging and cancer telomere tech …

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Dogma-challenging telomere findings may offer new insights for cancer treatments

Dogma-challenging telomere findings may offer new insights for cancer treatments

A new study led by University of Pittsburgh and UPMC Hillman Cancer Center researchers shows that an enzyme called PARP1 is involved in repair of telomeres, the lengths of DNA that protect the tips of chromosomes, and that impairing this process can lead to telomere shortening and genomic instability that can cause cancer. PARP1’s job …

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Discrimination May Accelerate The Aging Process

Discrimination Mat Accelerate The Aging Process

A new study led by researchers from the New York University (NYU) School of Global Public Health published in the journal Brain, Behavior, and Immunity Health suggests that discrimination may speed up the biological processes of aging, linking interpersonal discrimination to changes at the molecular level, and revealing a potential root cause of disparities in …

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How biological aging clocks tick

A Low-Calorie Diet Slows Aging

Aging clocks can measure the biological age of humans with high precision. Biological age can be influenced by environmental factors such as smoking or diet, thus deviating from the chronological age that is calculated using the date of birth. The precision of these aging clocks suggests that the aging process follows a programme. Scientists David …

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Telomeres: How Diet Impacts Aging

Telomeres Extend Lifespan Without Genetic Modification

Previous research suggests that restricting calories by 20-60% promotes a longer lifespan in animal studies. This two-year study of caloric restriction in humans found that those who restricted their calories lost telomeres at different rates than the control group despite both groups ending the study with telomeres that were roughly the same length.  Telomeres are …

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DNA Damaging Metabolic Byproducts And Aging

16 Genetic Markers Linked to Lifespan

Aldehydes are organic byproduct compounds produced as part of metabolic processes, recent research published in Nature Cell Biology from Nagoya University describes discovering the connections between these byproducts and rapid aging. Their findings may open paths to potential treatment for diseases that lead to accelerated aging and possibly counteract aging among healthy people by controlling …

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Can a Healthy Diet Slow Aging and Reduce Dementia Risk? New Data Says YES

Can a Healthy Diet Slow Aging and Reduce Dementia Risk? New Data Says YES

Article courtesy of Dr. Joel Kahn, MD, who is a Clinical Professor of Medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine, one of the world’s top cardiologists, a best-selling author, lecturer, and a leading expert in plant-based nutrition and holistic care. Dr. Kahn is one of the featured speakers at the A4M 32nd Annual Spring …

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Advance In Heart Failure Prevalence In Men

Advance In Heart Failure Prevalence In Men

Researchers from the University of Virginia (UVA) School of Medicine have discovered a gene in the Y (the sex chromosomes only present in males) chromosome that contributes to the increased incidence of heart failure among men, possibly opening new avenues to treatments. Their findings have been published in Nature Cardiovascular Research.  People normally have one …

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Aging Cells Express Shorter Genes

Clusters of genes help mice live longer

Recent research suggests that aging may be less about specific aging genes and more about how long the genes are. A paper published in the journal Trends in Genetics suggests that many of the changes that are associated with aging may be occurring due to the decreased expression of long genes.  The researchers said that …

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Double trouble at chromosome ends

Double trouble at chromosome ends

Image Caption: CST–Polα-primase, the enzyme that solves the newly discovered end-replication problem. Image Credit: Sarah Cai/Rockefeller University Half a century ago, scientists Jim Watson and Alexey Olovnikov independently realized that there was a problem with how our DNA gets copied. A quirk of linear DNA replication dictated that telomeres that protect the ends of chromosomes …

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