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Tiny puppy first to undergo new, life‑saving heart procedure at WSU

Tiny puppy first to undergo new, life‑saving heart procedure at WSU

From time to time, we post articles about pets, just for fun, or when they are of medical interest. This one comes from Washington State University (WSU), and it involves a new minimally invasive life-saving procedure for a deadly congenital heart defect. Quite often “firsts” such as this are followed by similar “firsts” in humans …

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In a preliminary study published in the Journal for the Measurement of Physical Behavior, kinesiologists from the University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) Behavioral Medicine Lab have been investigating the impacts of family dogs on the exercise habits of children as a way to boost activity, with nearly two-thirds of American children failing to meet the …

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Furry Stress Busters: How Dogs Help Reduce Anxiety and Tenson

Furry Stress Busters: How Dogs Help Reduce Anxiety and Tenson

Ever wondered why you feel so calm and happy around your four-legged friend? Well, you’re not alone. Science has shown that dogs can significantly reduce anxiety and tension in humans. In this article, we’ll delve into the fascinating world of canine companionship and its impact on our mental health. We’ll explore the science behind the …

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Canine cuddles can comfort equally across all genders

Canine cuddles can comfort equally across all genders

Image Caption: A first-of-its-kind study from the Okanagan School of Education has determined that canine therapy can help students feel better and more optimistic regardless of their gender. Photo credit: Freya Green. While there are a number of studies demonstrating that dog therapy programs can improve a person’s social and emotional well-being, many typically have …

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Dog Owners Becoming Hesitant To Vaccinate Their Doggies

Dog Owners Becoming Hesitant To Vaccinate Their Doggies

Approximately 45% of American households are home to dogs, and American dog owners are becoming increasingly skeptical about vaccines for their pets according to research from Boston University published in the journal Vaccine. The researchers explain that people who harbor mistrust in the safety and efficacy of human vaccines are more likely to express similar …

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How Taking Your Dog On Holiday Can Boost Your Mental Health

Dog Walking a Treat for Pet and Owner Alike

Deciding to include your dog in your travel plans inevitably means there will be a lot of extra hoops to jump through and obstacles to navigate during the planning process. However, all the added effort that goes into planning a puppy pilgrimage will be rewarded in the end, with this type of travel offering lots …

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Ways to Be Active That Don’t Feel Like Exercise

Late-life exercise shows rejuvenating effects on cellular level

Let’s face it, sometimes exercise is hard. And as we age, it can feel counterintuitive to want to exercise. However, sometimes getting tired by being active is the best way to combat feeling tired!  Exercise is not for everyone, so finding ways to be active and not feel like exercise is important. There are plenty …

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Feeding Dogs Raw Meat Associated With Increased Presence Of Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria

Feeding Dogs Raw Meat Associated With Increased Presence Of Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria

Two studies led by a team at the University of Bristol have found dogs who are fed on a diet of raw meat were more likely to excrete antibiotic-resistant bacteria Escherichia coli (E. coli) in their faeces. Previous research has shown that there is the potential for bacteria to be shared between dogs and their …

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Puppy Love: More Than A Companion

Puppy Love: More Than A Companion

7 in 10 Americans report that they really do consider their dog to be more than a pet, and they may be taking better care of their dogs than they are themselves, according to recent research When it comes to their furry companion friends, over two-thirds of Americans claim that they will spare no expense, …

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Most US Dog Owners Don’t Follow FDA Pet Food Handling Guidelines

Rejuvenate Bio Launches To Help Dogs Live Longer & Healthier

A new analysis suggests that most U.S. dog owners are unaware of—and do not follow—guidelines on safe pet food and dish handling from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), but that better education and implementation of the guidelines could reduce contamination. Dr. Emily Luisana of North Carolina State University in Raleigh and colleagues present these …

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