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New Research Moves Closer To Harnessing Viruses To Fight Bacteria And Reduce Antibiotic Use

Investigational COVID-19 Therapeutics To Be Evaluated In Large Clinical Trials

New research has moved a step closer to harnessing viruses to fight bacterial infection, reducing the threat of antibiotic resistance. The research is published in Cell Host Microbe.  A growing number of infections, including pneumonia, tuberculosis, gonorrhoea, and salmonellosis, are developing antibiotic resistance, which means they becoming harder to treat, resulting in higher death rates, …

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Insulin Delivering Nanopill Accepted Into The Emerging Technology Program

Synthetic Nanobodies Identified That Neutralize SARS-CoV-2

Toraglen, Inc has announced that it’s insulin delivering nanopill technology has been accepted into the FDA’s Emerging Technology Program. The biotechnology company is a preclinical stage company focused on developing proprietary bile acid platforms with the potential to significantly improve drug delivery. “We are encouraged that our technology was well received by the Emerging Technology …

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Scientists Using Microbubbles To Explode Cancer Cells

FDA Grants Breakthrough Designation For Device To Treat Parkinson’s

In exciting news, an international group of scientists have been using low frequency ultrasound bursts of microscopic bubble injections in tumor research, and this explosion is suggested to kill off the majority of the surrounding cancer cells.  The noninvasive technology was developed to kill breast cancer cells, this is a promising innovation that, in theory, …

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Ultrasonic Brain Beam Surgery

Ultrasonic Brain Beam Surgery

Researchers from Stanford Medicine have developed an ultrasonic brain beam surgery that could extend life that is ready for human testing; the ultrasound method is nano-targeted delivery of drugs to specific brain regions. The brain is the most complex organ in the body, it is wondrous and resilient, but it is also the most delicate …

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Brain Cells Manipulated Using A Smartphone

Brain Cells Manipulated Using A Smartphone

As published in Nature Biomedical Engineering a device has been invented that can control neural circuits by using a tiny brain implant which can be managed by a smartphone, in a collaborative study from the Jeong group at KAIST, South Korea, and the Bruchas Lab in Seattle. According to the researchers this soft neural implant …

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Cancer Cell Growth Halt With Timed Release Of Turmeric

Cancer Cell Growth Halt With Timed Release Of Turmeric

Research from Washington State University has developed a drug delivery system incorporating curcumin that has successfully inhibited bone cancer cells while promoting growth of healthy new bone cells. This technology is hoped to lead to development of better treatments for those with osteosarcoma, which is the second most prevalent cause of cancer death in children, …

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Exosomes: The Rising Star

Exosomes: The Rising Star

Exosomes may be the rising star for drug delivery as many companies are hoping to use these lipid vesicles to package small molecules, proteins, RNA drugs, and even use exosomes as therapies themselves. Until recently only a handful of researchers gave thought to these tiny bubbles released from cellular couriers that are packaged with molecular …

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Innovations in Cancer Therapy via Specialized Nanoparticles

Innovations in Cancer Therapy via Specialized Nanoparticles

Concept utilizes nanoparticles that concentrate and expand in the presence of higher acidity found in tumor cells. Purdue University (Indiana, USA) researchers have developed a concept to potentially improve delivery of drugs for cancer treatment using nanoparticles that concentrate and expand in the presence of higher acidity found in tumor cells.  The concept involves using …

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High-Tech Grapefruit

High-Tech Grapefruit

Nanoparticles derived from natural lipids present in grapefruit may be deployed as novel drug delivery vehicles. Nanotechnology offers a wide potential for medical therapeutics – specifically with regard to delivery applications. Qilong Wang, from the Louisville Veterans Administration Medical Center (Kentucky, USA), and colleagues have devised nanoparticles made of grapefruit-derived lipids, which the authors referred …

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