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Experts demand fire safety policy change over health impact of widely used flame retardants

Soligenix Stocks Increase After Hitting Trial Goal

Leading environmental health experts have called for a comprehensive review of the UK’s fire safety regulations, with a focus on the environmental and health risks of current chemical flame retardants. The health dangers of substances meant to improve fire safety have prompted experts to demand a range of new measures to reduce risk. Flame retardants …

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Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle on a Tight Budget

It’s Never Too Late To Make Healthful Lifestyle Changes

Many people think that living a healthy lifestyle is expensive. And if you believe that good health comes in the form of prepackaged salads, pricey supplements, and gym memberships, you might be right. But leading a natural, well-balanced lifestyle based on exercise, whole foods, and minimalism is surprisingly affordable. In fact, there are countless ways …

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Shoes Inside The Home

Shoes Inside The Home

Taking your shoes off when you enter a home helps to keep it in good condition, creating a more relaxed environment and cuts down on dust and dirt contributing to things such as asthma.  Just because one might consider their home to be a castle doesn’t mean it should be treated like a medieval dwelling …

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