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Stay Out of the Hospital – part 1

Stay Out of the Hospital - part 1

If you become ill enough to be admitted to a hospital, you might be the one in three patients there at any given time who is likely to die within 12 months. The likelihood of dying in hospital varies across countries but is generally high. David Clark, from the University of Glasgow (Scotland), and colleagues …

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Coffee May Protect Against Cirrhosis

Coffee May Protect Against Cirrhosis

Drinking two or more cups of coffee each day may dramatically reduce the risk of dying from liver cirrhosis. According to the World Health Organization, liver cirrhosis is the 11th leading cause of death in the US. However, recent study results suggest that drinking two or more cups of coffee each day may dramatically reduce …

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Being Underweight Deadlier than Being Obese

Being Underweight Deadlier than Being Obese

People who are underweight have a higher risk of dying than people who are severely obese. New research suggests that being very thin may be even deadlier than being very fat. Dr Joel Ray, a physician-researcher at St Michael’s Hospital in Toronto (Canada), and colleagues conducted a meta-analysis of 51 studies evaluating the links between …

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Bigger Muscles Linked to Lower Risk of Dying

Bigger Muscles Linked to Lower Risk of Dying

Older people who have above-average muscle mass also have a significantly lower risk of dying from all-causes. Recent study results suggest that the more muscle mass an older person has, the less likely they are to die prematurely. Dr Preethi Srikanthan, an assistant clinical professor in the endocrinology division at the David Geffen School of …

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