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Weight Lowering: Bigger Muscles In Half The Time?

How Arnold Became Arnold

Are you looking to bulk up a little but you are running low on time? According to recent research published in the European Journal of Applied Physiology you may be able to get bigger muscles in half of the time, researchers suggest that weight lowering rather than lifting them is the key to boosting muscle …

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Exercise Answer: Research Shows It's How Often You Do It, Not How Much

Debunking Myth Of Strenuous Exercise Dampening Immunity

So… should I exercise a little bit every day, or exercise for longer once a week? It’s a dilemma faced by many health-conscious people — and new research from Edith Cowan University (ECU) is answering the question. This latest research indicates a little bit of daily activity could well be the most beneficial approach, at …

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No Time To Exercise? What About Three Seconds A Day?

No Time To Exercise? What About Three Seconds A Day?

Lifting weights for as little as three seconds a day can have a positive impact on muscle strength, a new study from Edith Cowan University (ECU) has discovered. A collaboration with researchers from Niigata University of Health and Welfare (NUHW) in Japan had 39 healthy university students perform one muscle contraction at maximum effort for …

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