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AI-enabled EKGs find difference between numerical age and biological age significantly affects health

AI-enabled EKGs find difference between numerical age and biological age significantly affects health

You might be older — or younger — than you think. A new study found that differences between a person’s age in years and his or her biological age, as predicted by an artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled EKG, can provide measurable insights into health and longevity. The AI model accurately predicted the age of most subjects, …

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Trial demonstrates early AI-guided detection of heart disease in routine practice

Cancer: More than the sum of mutations

Heart disease can take a number of forms, but some types of heart disease, such as asymptomatic low ejection fraction, can be hard to recognize, especially in the early stages when treatment would be most effective. The ECG AI-Guided Screening for Low Ejection Fraction, or EAGLE, trial set out to determine whether an artificial intelligence …

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Why Heart Attacks Are Suggested To Be More Deadly For Women

Blood Proteins May Predict Risk Of Heart Failure

Heart attacks are suggested to be more deadly for women because traditional medicine does not recognize their symptoms. While heart attacks strike both men and women, women are more likely to die from it. This isn’t just because of the physical difference between the genders, there is growing concern that this problem is largely due …

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