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Electronic skin: Physicist develops multisensory hybrid material

Electronic skin: Physicist develops multisensory hybrid material

Image: Smart skin is a wafer-thin material that reacts simultaneously to force, moisture and temperature with extremely high spatial resolution and emits corresponding electronic signals. Credit: © Lunghammer – TU Graz The “smart skin” developed by Anna Maria Coclite is very similar to human skin. It senses pressure, humidity, and temperature simultaneously and produces electronic …

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Electronic Skin That Reacts To Pain Like Human Skin

Skin Deep

A team of researchers at RMIT University have developed a new pain-sensing prototype of the skin can mimic the body’s feedback response and reacts to painful sensations with the same speed that nerve signals travel to the brain; this marks a significant advance towards next-generation biomedical technologies, smart prosthetics and even intelligent robots.  “Skin is …

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Millions Of Patient Medical & Financial Records Hacked

Millions Of Patient Medical & Financial Records Hacked

A data breach has demonstrated that adoption of digital record storage systems may be making patient privacy vulnerable; this breach involves close to 12 million patients who got blood testing through Quest Diagnostics who may have had their personal records hacked according to reports. Quest Diagnostics, one of the nation’s largest blood test providers, says …

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Stickers May Save Lives

Stickers May Save Lives

Wearable medical electronic devices that attach to the skin made at a low cost out of paper may save the lives of patients, as published in ACS Advanced Material and Interfaces. Imagine being able to continuously monitor patient status from their homes after having heart surgery simply by attaching a Purdue smart sticker made of …

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Electronic Malleable Self Healing Recyclable Skin

Electronic Malleable Self Healing Recyclable Skin

Researchers from the University of Colorado Boulder have developed a malleable, fully recyclable, self healing electronic skin that holds promise in applications ranging from prosthetics and robotic development to advance biomedical devices, as published in Science Advances. Functions and mechanical properties of human skin are mimicked by e-skin which is a thin translucent material, of …

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