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Edible electronics: How a seaweed second skin could transform health and fitness sensor tech

Scientists at the University of Sussex have successfully trialed new biodegradable health sensors that could change the way we experience personal healthcare and fitness monitoring technology. The team at Sussex have developed new health sensors (wearables) — such as those worn by runners or patients to monitor heart rate and temperature — using natural elements …

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The Bacteria Powering A Truly Green Revolution In Personal Electronics

The Bacteria Powering A Truly Green Revolution In Personal Electronics

Image: A biofilm-powered sensor, on the neck, that measures the mechanical signal of swallowing. Credit: Liu et al., 10.1038/s41467-022-32105-6 Researchers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst recently announced that they have figured out how to engineer a biofilm that harvests the energy in evaporation and converts it to electricity. This biofilm, which was announced in …

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How To Manage Stress And Sleep?

These Tips and Tricks Could Help Promote a Peaceful Sleep

Stress results from challenging and difficult circumstances that we experience in our daily lives. It can have emotional, physical, and behavioral effects on us. However, too much pressure can result in anxiety and even depression. It can also cause sleep problems. Common indications of too much stress include poor concentration, anxiety, tension, work inefficiency, sleep …

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Using Ergonomics To Reduce Pain From Technology Use

Using Your Mobile At Work May Be Causing Mental Fatigue & Poor Performance

The use of smartphones, tablets, and laptops has become commonplace throughout the world and has been especially prevalent among college students. Recent studies have found that college students have higher levels of screen time, and they utilize multiple devices at higher rates compared to previous generations. With the increased use of these devices, especially smartphones, …

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Ways To Help Improve Your Eye Health

Understanding the Impact of Diabetes on Your Eye Health

If you are spending too much time looking at your smartphone, tablet, computer, or TV screen, you aren’t doing your eyes any good, you’re most likely to be seriously damaging them. When you spend too much time doing this, your eyes are straining too much, they get tired too quickly, and your eyesight drops.  Poor …

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Dependence On Electronics: The Great Dumbing Down

How Weight Management Platforms Benefit Providers

Imagine if you will, a world in which people believe that war brings peace, only drugs provide health, debt leads to financial success, you are ridiculed for thinking for yourself, everything you see/hear on the news/internet is thought to be real regardless of how outlandish or facts, and the government is backed by big corporations. …

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