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Psychological Stress Impedes Performance, Even For Olympic Athletes

Psychological Stress Impedes Performance, Even For Olympic Athletes

The 2020 Tokyo Olympics were unique not just for taking place during the COVID-19 pandemic but for being the first athletic event to measure and broadcast competitors’ heart rates as world-class archers took a shot at Olympic gold. Analysis of these biometric data by Yunfeng Lu (Nanjing University) and Songfa Zhong (National University of Singapore, …

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A Stable Gut Helps Elite Athletes Perform Better

Gut Friendly Foods That Promote Weight Loss

New research has found that microbial instability in the gut could hinder the performance of elite endurance athletes, and that short-term, high-protein diets are associated with this type of imbalance. Researchers from across the UK analyzed the performance and gut health of a group of well-matched, highly trained endurance runners, to explore the impact of …

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