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Very early blood pressure control confers both benefits and harms in acute stroke

Very early blood pressure control confers both benefits and harms in acute stroke

Early identification of stroke type could be key to harnessing the benefits of very early in-ambulance blood pressure lowering treatment in patients with suspected acute stroke, according to new research. The findings were presented at the 10th European Stroke Organisation Conference in Basel, Switzerland and simultaneously published in the New England Journal of Medicine.(1) Professor …

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Understanding the Importance of CPR in Saving Lives

Understanding the Importance of CPR in Saving Lives

Imagine you’re in a situation where someone’s life hangs in the balance, and you’re the only one around. It’s a scary thought, isn’t it? But with knowledge of CPR, you could be their lifeline. CPR, or cardiopulmonary resuscitation, is a lifesaving technique that’s crucial in many emergency situations. It’s a skill that could mean the …

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Senior Safety at Home: Assessing and Enhancing Living Spaces for Accident Prevention


Ensuring senior safety at home is vital, as accidents can have serious consequences for our elderly loved ones. Aging often brings challenges, including reduced mobility and increased vulnerability to falls. Here, we’ll explore the critical aspects of assessing and enhancing living spaces to create a secure environment for seniors. From identifying potential hazards to room-specific …

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Strategies For Seniors To Achieve Financial Mental Health

Strategies For Seniors To Achieve Financial Mental Health

As seniors navigate their retirement years, they need to prioritize not only their financial well-being but also their mental health. Achieving financial stability and peace of mind can significantly contribute to a sense of security and overall well-being. Seniors who are under financial stress may exhibit symptoms like worry, despair, and sadness, according to Blue …

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Staying Out Of The Emergency Room This Thanksgiving

Staying Out Of The Emergency Room This Thanksgiving

” Most of this advice is common sense. Of course, most of us still need to remind ourselves to do everything in moderation this Thanksgiving. Just because it’s Thanksgiving and only once a year, doesn’t mean you should eat as if it’s your last supper. Get up and walk around as frequently as possible, and …

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Basic First Aid Knowledge: 5 Reasons Why It's Essential

CPR: Important Role In The Opioid Crisis

Accidents can happen anywhere, at any time, and to anyone. Typically, these accidents tend to happen when you least expect them to. Because of this ever-present fact, it is critical to have some sense of preparation: basic first aid knowledge is invaluable, as you never know when or where you might need it. Take your …

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Blue Mondays: Harder On The Heart Than Thought

Private Vehicle Transport Cuts Death After Penetrating Injury

According to research recently presented at the British Cardiovascular Society Conference (BSC), deadly heart attacks happen most often at the start of the working week than at any other time, giving people even more reason not to like Mondays.  Data were analyzed from 10,528 patients across Ireland who had been admitted to hospitals between 2013- …

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CPR, AED, ACLS, and PALS Certifications: Why They Matter

Life Support Machine Helps Cardiac Arrest Patients Survive

The passage of time is crucial in medical emergencies. Knowing what to do and having the correct information and skills can make all the difference when seconds can be the difference between life and death. In this situation, certificates in CPR, AED, ACLS, and PALS are helpful. These accreditations are made to give people the …

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Pedia_Roid: Training With Humanoids To Save Lives

Pedia_Roid: Training With Humanoids To Save Lives

Images: The World’s First Humanoid for ER Training. From seizure to bleeding, to emotions, resistance, changes in nail/face color, pupils, and breathing, the programmable bot can simulate any emergency on cue. (Credit: Tmsuk) As premiered at CES 2022 in Las Vegas, Pedia_Roid is a patent-pending pediatric patient-type robot that can realistically simulate the jittery movements …

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Hold the salt: Study reveals how reducing sodium intake can help patients with heart failure

Hold the salt: Study reveals how reducing sodium intake can help patients with heart failure

For the past century people with weak hearts have been told to lower their salt intake, but until now there has been little scientific evidence behind the recommendation. The largest randomized clinical trial to look at sodium reduction and heart failure reported results simultaneously in The Lancet and at the American College of Cardiology’s 71st …

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