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Scientists cooked pancakes, Brussels sprouts, and stir fry to detect an oxidant indoors for the first time

Scientists cooked pancakes, Brussels sprouts, and stir fry to detect an oxidant indoors for the first time

Your frying pan may be harming your health, especially when cooking meals that involve frying or sauteing, according to a new study from The University of British Columbia (UBC) published in the journal Environmental Science; finding that frying or sauteing releases brown carbon aerosols that could be impacting indoor air quality as well as your …

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Mixed Diet: Balancing Diet And Carbon Footprint

Mixed Diet: Balancing Diet And Carbon Footprint

Along with becoming more health conscious, some people are also becoming more aware of their impact on Earth and are trying to reduce their carbon footprint. What we eat impacts our health, and it can also impact the environment. Previous research has looked at the impact of diets in general terms, this study published in …

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Red Meat Consumption Associated With Increased Risk Of T2D

Red Meat Consumption Associated With Increased Risk Of T2D

The consumption of red meat has been associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, according to a new study led by researchers from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. The study also found that cutting back on red meat and replacing it with plant-based …

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Keto vs vegan: Study of popular diets finds over fourfold difference in carbon footprints

Comfort Food + A Portion Of Stress = Supersized Weight Gain

For those on keto or paleo diets, this may be tough to swallow if you are watching out for your environmental impact.  A new study has found that foods featured in the keto diet — which prioritizes high amounts of fat and low amounts of carbs — produce the most carbon emissions of six popular …

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Understanding Why Your Carbon Footprint Is Big Business

Turning Carbon Dioxide Capture Into Big Business

A carbon footprint is the amount of CO2 that you produce as an individual or your business produces. In short, it accounts for a large amount of the destruction we’re causing to our environment. But whilst you may be familiar with the definition of a carbon footprint, how important is it that you understand what …

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Environmental impacts of 57,000 common store-bought food products

Majority Of Packaged Foods In America Are Ultra Processed

An international team of scientists has evaluated the environmental impacts of more than 57,000 food products — the stuff you typically find as you wander the aisles of your local grocery. If this type of information is made easily available to the public, they say, it could not only enable the transition to a more …

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People Generate Their Own Oxidation Field & Change The Indoor Air Chemistry Around Them

New Test To Diagnose Respiratory Viral Illnesses

People typically spend 90 percent of their lives inside, at home, at work, or in transport. Within these enclosed spaces, occupants are exposed to a multitude of chemicals from various sources, including outdoor pollutants penetrating indoors, gaseous emissions from building materials and furnishings, and products of our own activities such as cooking and cleaning. In …

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Pacific Northwest wildfires alter air pollution patterns across North America

Pacific Northwest wildfires alter air pollution patterns across North America

Image: An Oregon wildfire burns. Photo Credit: The Bureau of Land Management Increasingly large and intense wildfires in the Pacific Northwest are altering the seasonal pattern of air pollution and causing a spike in unhealthy pollutants in August, new research finds. The smoke is undermining clean air gains, posing potential risks to the health of …

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Cheaper hydrogen fuel cell could mean better green energy options

Air Pollution May Be Adding To Your Waistline

Relief at the pump? Scientists develop cheaper green fuels using iron instead of platinum. Imperial researchers have developed a hydrogen fuel cell that uses iron instead of rare and costly platinum, enabling greater use of the technology. The study is published in Nature Catalysis. Hydrogen fuel cells convert hydrogen to electricity with water vapour as …

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Air chemistry data from South Korea field study puts models to the test

New Data Suggest COVID-19 May Not Be As Deadly As Thought

An international effort to measure air quality in South Korea, a region with complex sources of pollution, may provide new insights into the atmospheric chemistry that produces ozone pollution, according to a team of scientists. “This study shows that observations of the hydroxyl radical — OH — and hydroperoxyl radical — HO2 provide valuable tests …

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