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Importance of Employees’ Physical Health

Software Development in Healthcare Industry: Challenges, Opportunities, and Trends

As an employer, it is essential to recognize the importance of employees’ physical health. The health of your employees has a direct impact on your company’s productivity, success, and bottom line. Here are some reasons why. Reduced Absenteeism and Presenteeism When your employees are physically healthy, they are less likely to miss work due to …

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How Employee Mental Health Impacts the Finance, Marketing, Healthcare, and Technology Industries: Facts and Strategies

Depression Increases Your Brain Age

Working professionals and companies that employ them are in much need of information regarding mental health. Several industries, including finance, technology, healthcare, and sales and marketing, struggle to address this topic among employees. As a result, these industries experience high turnover rates and burnt-out professionals. Globally, depression and anxiety account for 12 billion missed work …

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The Importance of Employee Communication and Mental Health

The Importance of Employee Communication and Mental Health

Although it’s not always easy to talk about, mental health is an important topic. The stigma surrounding mental illness is slowly fading away, and it’s now more common than ever to speak up about your own experiences with anxiety or depression. However, many people still don’t feel comfortable enough to bring up their struggles at …

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Employee Engagement Programs: How to Improve Your Mental Health

Sitting Too Long Is Linked To Higher Risk Of Premature Death

There are few things more important to any company than its employees, who drive the success of a business. While employee engagement programs can help a company thrive, they also have an impact on the mental health of employees. Engaged Vs. Disengaged Employees A recent Gallup survey showed that only 33 percent of today’s employees …

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