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DNA robots designed in minutes instead of days

Virus Sized Transistors

New software will allow creation of more complex devices Someday, scientists believe, tiny DNA-based robots and other nanodevices will deliver medicine inside our bodies, detect the presence of deadly pathogens, and help manufacture increasingly smaller electronics. Researchers took a big step toward that future by developing a new tool that can design much more complex …

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Scientists Create Simple Synthetic Cell That Grows and Divides Normally

How Rapamycin’s Anti-Aging Effects Work Revealed

Five years ago, scientists created a single-celled synthetic organism that, with only 473 genes, was the simplest living cell ever known. However, this bacteria-like organism behaved strangely when growing and dividing, producing cells with wildly different shapes and sizes. Now, scientists have identified seven genes that can be added to tame the cells’ unruly nature, …

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Optoceutics: A New Regenerative Medicine Technique

Optoceutics: A New Regenerative Medicine Technique

Currently, gene therapy, biomedical engineering, and stem cell therapies are among some of the most common and widely studied regenerative medicine techniques. Unfortunately, most of the strategies available today lack key characteristics – such as selectivity and reversibility – and researchers continue to investigate a range of promising alternatives in their quest to delay the …

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Artificial Organelles Target Toxic Compounds

Artificial Organelles Target Toxic Compounds

Swiss team successfully develops artificial organelles that are able to support the reduction of toxic oxygen compounds within cells. Researchers at the University of Basel (Switzerland) have successfully developed artificial organelles that are able to support the reduction of toxic oxygen compounds. This opens up new ways in the development of novel drugs that can …

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