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UNM Researchers Find Microplastics in Canine and Human Testicular Tissue

Epigenetic mechanism can explain how chemicals in plastic may cause lower IQ levels

University of New Mexico researchers have detected significant concentrations of microplastics in the testicular tissue of both humans and dogs, adding to growing concern about their possible effect on human reproductive health. In a new paper published in the journal Toxicological Sciences, a team led by Xiaozhong “John” Yu, MD, PhD, MPH, a professor in …

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Being Physically Active While In Nature Helps Prevent Several Diseases

Being Physically Active While In Nature Helps Prevent Several Diseases

Research from the University of Exeter published in Environmental International suggests that participating in physical activity while being surrounded by natural environments helps to prevent almost 13,000 cases of non-communicable diseases a year in England which could save the healthcare cost of more than £100 million. In their Global Status Report on Physical Activity 2022, …

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Mixed Diet: Balancing Diet And Carbon Footprint

Mixed Diet: Balancing Diet And Carbon Footprint

Along with becoming more health conscious, some people are also becoming more aware of their impact on Earth and are trying to reduce their carbon footprint. What we eat impacts our health, and it can also impact the environment. Previous research has looked at the impact of diets in general terms, this study published in …

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Indoor Air Quality: Addressing a Public Health Issue On the Rise

Indoor Air Quality: Addressing a Public Health Issue On the Rise

Only seven countries in the world (less than four percent) had air quality levels at or below the healthy annual average recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2023, according to one report from the Swiss air quality organization IQAir. In many cases, poor outdoor air quality is fueled by environmental factors, though the …

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Accelerated Aging May Increase Risk Of Cancers In Younger Generations

Anti-Aging Pill Getting Closer To Reality With Breakthrough

According to research presented at the American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting 2024, accelerated aging was found to be more common in recent birth cohorts, and it was also associated with an increased incidence of early-onset solid tumors.  “Multiple cancer types are becoming increasingly common among younger adults in the United States and globally,” …

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Biophilia: The Benefits Of Bringing Nature Inside

Biophilia: The Benefits Of Bringing Nature Inside

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines biophilia as a hypothetical human tendency to interact or be closely associated with other forms of life in nature: a desire or tendency to commune with nature. The term was coined by the Harvard naturalist Dr. Edward O. Wilson to describe what he saw as humanity’s “innate tendency to focus on …

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Molecular Fingerprint Of Biological Aging Revealed

Calorie Restriction Slows Pace Of Aging In Healthy Adults

Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh report in a paper published in Aging Cell uncovering blood-based markers linked with healthy and rapid aging that allows them to predict biological age, which is how fast a person’s cells and organs age regardless of their chronological age. Their findings point to pathways and compounds that may underlie …

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Location Location Location: Living Near The Wrong Things Is Bad For Your Heart

Fast Food & PFAS: More Reason To Eat Home Cooked

According to recent research published in the American Heart Association’s journal Circulation: Heart Failure, exposure/living in a close proximity to/and a higher number of ready-to-eat food outlets/establishments, particularly pubs, taverns, bars, restaurants, and fast food shacks may be associated with a greater risk of developing heart failure. The association between exposure to food environments and …

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Examining the Role of Genetics and Epigenetics in Mental Health Disorders

Examining the Role of Genetics and Epigenetics in Mental Health Disorders

Have you ever wondered about the role your genes play in your mental health? It’s a rapidly evolving field and more intriguing than you might think. Genetics and epigenetics in mental health disorders are like pieces of a complex puzzle. Like scientists identify genetic markers linked to lifespan, they also uncover how our genetic makeup …

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Biophilic Design: Bringing Nature Indoors in Your New Home

Biophilic Design: Bringing Nature Indoors in Your New Home

Welcome to the transformative world of biophilic design, a unique approach that links the beauty of nature to our living spaces. This design philosophy transcends mere aesthetics and is crucial in enhancing our well-being through nature and connecting us more deeply with the environment. Biophilic design is not just about adding plants; it’s about creating …

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