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Examining the Role of Genetics and Epigenetics in Mental Health Disorders

Examining the Role of Genetics and Epigenetics in Mental Health Disorders

Have you ever wondered about the role your genes play in your mental health? It’s a rapidly evolving field and more intriguing than you might think. Genetics and epigenetics in mental health disorders are like pieces of a complex puzzle. Like scientists identify genetic markers linked to lifespan, they also uncover how our genetic makeup …

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Scientists Redefine Obesity With Discovery Of Two Major Subtypes

Molecular Structure Of Alpha Klotho Revealed

A team led by Van Andel Institute scientists has identified two distinct types of obesity with physiological and molecular differences that may have lifelong consequences for health, disease and response to medication. The findings, published today in the journal Nature Metabolism, offer a more nuanced understanding of obesity than current definitions and may one day …

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Your Genes Load The Gun But Your Lifestyle Pulls The Trigger: Or Not?

Researchers Develop A New Way To Find Cancer At The Nanometre Scale

Article courtesy of Dr. Joel Kahn, MD, who is a Clinical Professor of Medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine, one of the world’s top cardiologists, best-selling author, lecturer, and a leading expert in plant-based nutrition and holistic care. Our progress in understanding human genes has been amazing and humbling. About 150 years ago, …

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Your Organs May Outlive You

Your Organs May Outlive You

According to research some parts of the body age faster than others, suggesting that some may even outlive their owners. Could gaining a better understanding of this process help us to live longer, it stands to reason yes, as not only can our biological age be different from our chronological age, it varies from organ …

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Advances In The Science Of Aging

CRISPR Drapes Invisibility Cloak Over Stem Cells

All around the globe scientists are testing therapies aimed at the aging process and whether or not we can slow it. We’ve collected some information from the many promising areas in aging and longevity to keep an eye on. It wasn’t that long ago the field of longevity and anti-aging was considered to be a …

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New Test 100% Effective At Detecting Cervical Cancer

New Test 100% Effective At Detecting Cervical Cancer

A new test has been shown to be 100% effective at detecting cervical in a trial involving over 15,000 participants that was developed by researchers at the Queen Mary University of London, as published in the International Journal of Cancer. The new epigenetics based test was demonstrated to outperform Pap smear and human papilloma virus …

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