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Epilepsy drug prevents brain tumors in mice with NF1

Epilepsy drug prevents brain tumors in mice with NF1

A drug used to treat children with epilepsy prevents brain tumor formation and growth in two mouse models of neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1), according to a study by researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. NF1 is a genetic condition that causes tumors to grow on nerves throughout the body, including the …

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Mitochondrial roles in antiviral immunity modify manifestations of neurological diseases

Preventing the Exhaustion of T Cells

A multidisciplinary team of scientists led by the University of Helsinki reports that a progressive neurodegenerative disease can be triggered by a viral infection. The mechanism relates to mitochondrial roles in antiviral defense mechanisms. The scientists report that a specific gene variant affecting the mitochondria disturbs cellular antiviral defense responses. The results implicate that viral …

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Upwards Of 3 Billion People Live With Neurological Disorders

New study reveals latest data on global burden of cardiovascular disease

In alarming news, an international team of researchers report a significant increase in both the prevalence and health impact of neurological conditions such as meningitis, stroke, and Alzheimer’s disease over the past three decades. Their study, part of the Global Burden of Disease, Injury, and Risk Factors Study (GBD) published in the journal The Lancet …

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Brain Decline Comes Later Than Previously Thought

Brain Decline Comes Later Than Previously Thought

Recent research from University Medical Center Utrecht (UMC Utrecht) shows that our brain declines later than previously thought. Instead of after our 25th year of life, it happens when we are between the ages of 30 and 40. The researchers published their results in Nature Neuroscience. Clinical technologist Dorien van Blooijs and neurologist Frans Leijten, …

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Head Injury is Associated with Doubled Mortality Rate Long-Term


Adults who suffered any head injury during a 30-year study period had two times the rate of mortality than those who did not have any head injury, and mortality rates among those with moderate or severe head injuries were nearly three times higher, according to new research from the Perelman School of Medicine at the …

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Neuroscientists Discover A New Drug Candidate For Treating Epilepsy

According to a press release, following a modified Atkins diet high in fat and low in carbohydrates plus taking medication may reduce seizures in people with tough-to-treat epilepsy, according to a study published on January 4, 2023, in the online issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology. “For people with …

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Neuroscientists Discover A New Drug Candidate For Treating Epilepsy

Neuroscientists Discover A New Drug Candidate For Treating Epilepsy

Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) is one of the most common types of epilepsy worldwide. Although symptomatic medications are available, one-third of TLE patients remain unresponsive to current treatment, so new drug targets are critically needed. A research team co-led by a City University of Hong Kong (CityU) neuroscientist recently identified and developed a new drug …

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Researchers Develop Method To Study Brain Connectivity, Functionality

Researchers Develop Method To Study Brain Connectivity, Functionality

According to a new release, scientists have developed a research method that allows for a much more detailed examination of the brain processes involved in some neurological and mental disorders. This is achieved by growing human cortical organoids in culture and inserting them into developing rodent brains to see how they integrate and function over …

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Newly discovered protein could be used to produce life-saving antifungals

Masks May Be Causing Candida Overgrowth In Your Mouth

Like bacteria, yeasts are found everywhere, even in and around our bodies. And, as with bacteria, you can become infected by yeasts and become ill. Yeasts infect about 150 million people a year and kill about 1.7 million, especially those who are immunocompromised. Yeast cells and human immune system cells rely on surprisingly similar chemical …

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AI Algorithm That Detects Brain Abnormalities Could Help Cure Epilepsy


The Multicentre Epilepsy Lesion Detection project (MELD) used over 1,000 patient MRI scans from 22 global epilepsy centres to develop the algorithm, which provides reports of where abnormalities are in cases of drug-resistant focal cortical dysplasia (FCD) — a leading cause of epilepsy. FCDs are areas of the brain that have developed abnormally and often …

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