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Erectile Dysfunction In Men And Lifestyle Options That May Help

Men Are Licking Fungus To Treat Erectile Dysfunction

It is not uncommon for men to have erection dysfunction, weak erections specifically can occur from a number of environmental, physical, and psychological causes. ED may be occasional or it could be frequent, it can happen during times of stress, a nutritional change, during relationship difficulties, or even after a lifestyle change. Losing an erection …

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Lifestyle Changes That May Help With Erectile Dysfunction

Stem Cell Treatment Helping to Improve Erectile Dysfunction

Regardless of age, erectile dysfunction or impotence is a major challenge because it can be caused by many factors ranging from a health condition to emotional or relationship issues and certain medications or the use of alcohol or smoking, but it is possible to cure most cases of erectile dysfunction.  Options to combat ED may …

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Cholesterol May Be Affecting Your Love Life

Cholesterol May Be Affecting Your Love Life

High cholesterol is a common health problem that many are not aware they are at risk for let alone have it. The body tried to provide us with numerous signs and symptoms that something is not right, we just have to notice. In men, high cholesterol can damage sexual performance and decrease libido; erectile dysfunction …

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Health Conditions Linked To Erectile Dysfunction

Men Are Licking Fungus To Treat Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction will affect most men at some point in their lives. ED, which is also called impotence may be treated with the little blue pill, such as 100mg of Suhagra with the active ingredient called Sildenafil citrate. But what is behind this condition, and does that pill address it as well? ED is most …

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Is Your Sex Life Being Affected By Caffeine?

Is Your Sex Life Being Affected By Caffeine?

Around the world many people enjoy getting a coffee to get that caffeine fix to help keep them going throughout the day. But do the effects of this popular beverage carry over into the bedroom?  Among American men aged 20+ an estimated 18.4% will experience erectile dysfunction, by the age of 40 this number increases …

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Men Are Licking Fungus To Treat Erectile Dysfunction

Men Are Licking Fungus To Treat Erectile Dysfunction

Some men are turning into lichen lickers in attempts to combat erectile dysfunction by licking fungus said to have viagra like powers, but doctors are sounding alarms and warnings of not to lick the Sexy Pavement Lichen. Lichen found growing in forests, on roads, and on pavement can contain high levels of toxic chemicals. According …

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Type 2 Diabetes May Cause Erectile Dysfunction

Type 2 Diabetes May Cause Erectile Dysfunction

At least 1 in 5 men over the age of 60 are affected by erectile dysfunction. A large scale genomic analysis conducted by the University of Exeter and the University of Oxford suggests that type 2 diabetes may be a cause of erectile dysfunction, as published in the American Journal of Human Genetics. Data was …

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